Marsh Bellofram Automatic Timing & Controls Division 342B Series Multi-Range Repeat Cycle Timer


Catalog excerpts

Marsh Bellofram Automatic Timing & Controls Division 342B Series Multi-Range Repeat Cycle Timer - 1

342B Series Automatic Timing & Controls 800.727.5646 18Repeat Cycle Timers // 342B Series A repeat cycle timer with two separately adjustable MOS digital timing circuits, the 342B is prewired to provide Flip-Flop operation of a DPDT load relay. The 342B also features cycle progress annunciation and multiple range adjustability for each circuit. LOWER INSTALLATION COSTS: For repeat cycle applications, a single 342B timer does the job of two ordinary timers. Installation cost is cut by more than half; a single panel cutout is required and wiring is simplified since the 342B is prewired to perform flip-flop repeat cycle timing control. MULTIPLE RANGES REDUCE INVENTORY REQUIREMENTS: The 342B incorporates six switch-selected ranges for each of its two timing circuits. A single 342B thus provides any dial-adjustable timing period between 50 mSEC and 10 hours for each cycle of the flip-flop operation. Thus you need stock only one timer—and only one model of that timer—to satisfy all your needs. PROGRAMMABLE RELAY OPERATION: The 342B’s DPDT relay can be energized either during the first timing cycle (T1) or during the second (T2) simply by moving a push-on connector from one programming pin to another on the circuit board. Thus you can change load operation from one set of contacts to the other (N O to N C) without changing the wiring. CYCLE PROGRESS INDICATION: The 342B’s two pilot lights provide a unique and effective method of cycle progress indication in the minutes and hours timing ranges ... blinking at an ever-increasing rate as the cycle progresses. In the 1 and 10-second ranges, the pilot light is off before timing cycles and steady on during timing. DESIGNED FOR INDUSTRIAL SERVICE: A number of features and characteristics have been incorporated to ensure a long trouble-free life expectancy, even in difficult industrial environments: transformer-isolation for high noise immunity; reliable relay rated for 100,000,000 mechanical operations; oscillator-based timing circuit for high accuracy even with changes in temperature and voltage; and a versatile mounting capability in a compact housing that is dust and impact-resistant. M u l t i - R a n g e Re p e a t Cy c le Timer MODEL NUMBER >>>>>> 342B P Range 200 F 10 P X Multi-Range 1 SEC, 10 SEC, 1 MIN, 10 MIN, 1 HR., 10 HRS Special, (use K in features) 000 Voltage & Frequency 24 to 240 VAC and 24 VDC Special, (use K in features) K Arrangements Reset on power failure Special, (use K in features) 00 Features Basic plug-in timer Standard Timer Special K The 342B is a repeat-cycle timer that operates continuously through its two timing ranges (T1 and T2), one after the other, transferring the relay contacts as it times out of each range. There is no start circuit and the timer resets on power interruption. The first timing range (T1) begins and the relay is energized when line voltage is applied to the Run terminals of the 342B. The relay is de-energized when T1 times out and it remains de-energized until T2 times out ... at which time the relay is energized and the flipflop cycle is repeated. The pattern of relay operation can be reversed — de-energized during T1 and energized during T2 — by changing a push-on connector from one pin to another on the circuit board; no wiring change is required. \\\OPERATIONS

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Marsh Bellofram Automatic Timing & Controls Division 342B Series Multi-Range Repeat Cycle Timer - 2

800.727.5646 Automatic Timing & Controls 342B Series Repeat Cycle Timers // 342B Series 19 WIRING TERMINAL WIRING \\\DIMENSIONS (INCHES/MILLIMETERS) \\\WIRING \\\SPECIFICATIONS TIMING MODE Repeat cycle: resets on power interruption. DPDT relay can be energized either during the first timing cycle (T1) or during the second (T2) simply by moving the PCB jumper. RANGE Six independent continuously adjustable switchselected ranges for each timer: 1 SEC 10 MIN 10 SEC 1 HR 1 MIN 10 HR CONTACT RATING Load Relay Type: DPDT Rated 10 Amps resistive at 30 VDC or 250 VAC (or less);...

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