KING-GAGE® AcraSensor Sanitary Tank Level Transmitter


Catalog excerpts

KING-GAGE® AcraSensor Sanitary Tank Level Transmitter - 1

Effective: October 2010 Supplment 1100-25 Tank Liquid Lev Inventory Monitoring Liquid Level Transmit AcraSensor Process Integratio TM Flush mounting sanitary design Electronic (4-20 mA) output or pneumatic output Field replaceable sensor diaphragm Consistent output during CIP cycles (驠 Reliable Liquid Level Measurement Thse unique pneumatic sensorsdetect level bysensing hydrostatic pressure created by liquid depth. Acting on the force balance principle, a sensitive diaphragm is exposedtothe liquid contentsofthetank. Compressed air within the sensor cr詢tes a pneumatic pressure that balances the force of the liquid acting against the diaphragm. This compensating pneumatic pressure is directly proportional to the depth of liquid in the tank. The pneumatic force balance technique is virtually free from long term drift, hysteresis and temperature sensitivity unlike strain measurements (including load cells) since mechanical deflection of the diaphragm is not directly measured. The compensating pneumatic balance pressure which effectively isolates the sensor is converted to a proportional 4-20 mAdc signal or can be directly output to a suitable gauge. In actuality, the sensor is measuring the mass (weight) of fluid matter that can be correlated to units of standardized volume. Sanitary Configurations Thse sensors are especially suited to a wide range of sanitary applications on storage or continuous processing vessels. The unique AcraSensor titanium diaphragm satisfies the 3-A Sanitary Standard and is appropriate for flush mount, clean-in-place installation. An FDA-approved silicone rubber O-ring seal forms a crevice-free, positive compression seal between the diaphragm probe and mounting shell. Flush weld mountings are available with product contact surfaces of 316L stainless. The level sensor can be alternatively supplied with silicone rubber diaphragm surface. This molded elastomer provides additional material compatibility options. (Quick disconnect sanitary adapters are also available for sensor mounting.) Conformance to Sanitary Standard A The AcraSensor diaphragm is authorized to carry the 3-A symbol and conforms to 3-A Sanitary Standards 74-03, Sensors and Sensor Fittings and Connections. KING-GAGE ^^BaiTlNG ENGINEERING DIVISION m

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KING-GAGE® AcraSensor Sanitary Tank Level Transmitter - 2

AcraSensorLiquid Level Sensor Supplשment 1100-25 AcraSensor ■ 4-20 mA Output Version Tank Gauging Applications Acting on the force balance principle, a pneumatic sensor generates air pressure equivalent to the hydrostatic force created by liquid depth. This pneumatic pressure is directed into the D/P transmitter. Pressure is converted to an electronic 4-20 mAdc output proportional to liquid depth. Twisted pair cabling is used to form the signal loop through which the remote indicator receives the transmitter output. The KING-GAGE indicators shown in these system views correlate the...

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KING-GAGE® AcraSensor Sanitary Tank Level Transmitter - 3

AcraSensorLiquid Level Sensor Supplשment 1100-25 AcraSensor ■ Pneumatic Output Version Pneumatic Operation AcraSensor diaphragm unit is paired with a Sensor Control regulator to provide the continuous 1 CFH (cubic foot per hour) air flow to the underside of the diaphragm to attain pneumatic balance pressure. Constant back pressure regulation maintains a linear 1:1 response throughout the entire operating range to ensure pneumatic pressure is directly equivalent to the hydrostatic head of liquid in the tank. The AcraSensor + 860 Sensor Control combination affords rugged durability and simple...

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KING-GAGE® AcraSensor Sanitary Tank Level Transmitter - 4

KING-GAGE ®AcraSensor Liquid Level Sensor Spשcifications Sensitivity Less than .001 psi (±.02" water / .508 mm water) Repeatability Better than ±.002 psi (± .05" water / 1.27 mm water) Accuracy ±.007 psi (±0.2" water / .508 mm water) Temperature Range 30° to 300° F (0° to 149° C) Pressure Range Sensor is a 1:1 pneumatic force balance diaphragm capable of repeating hydrostatic pressure as an equivalent pneumatic output. Functional pressure limit is 130 psi (or 3598 inches @ 1.00 specific gravity) determined by supply pressure (35-150 psi) less 20 psi. Maximum Depth Measurement 1937 in. water...

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