Catalog excerpts

Issue N°2 M AP News L AN letter #2 The Elastomer Injection Technology Report MAPLAN‘s new Lean Management A complete restructuring of the machine production Presentation of MAPLAN‘s USA branch The new 320 tonne vertical machine of MAPLAN MAPLAN Days of Technology 2014 Our Open Days “MAPLAN Days of Technology“ will take place on June 4th and 5th speeches by industry experts with presentations from these partners among others: Dear readers! For MAPLAN 2013 was a very successful year particular with regard to the K fair in Düsseldorf. We had the opportunity to personally meet with many customers and partners. On June 4th and 5th, 2014, the “MAPLAN Days of Technology“ will take place in Ternitz. During this event MAPLAN and our partners will present some of the latest developments in our industry. We are sure that you will find a wealth of information about rubber production by visiting our exhibitions and conferences. An evening at the Belvedere Palace in Vienna will be the cultural highlight. We hope to see many participants again on that occasion. A few words of introduction about the Soulier family; for all those who do not know us yet - apart from the fact that since the beginning of 2012, we are the new owners of MAPLAN. We are a French-Austrian couple married since 33 years with 5 adult children. Our origins are industrial with an emphasis on mechanical engineering. Additionally we are also specialised in real estate development in Vienna. We are pleased to hold our exhibition “MAPLAN Days of Technology“ this late Spring. This internal exhibition took place for the first time in 2008 and was a big success. The next opportunity to view innovation and “state of the art“ technology will be on the 4th & 5th June in Ternitz and Vienna. “MAPLAN Days of Technology“ encompasses a varied professional encounter based on elastomer injection moulding machines. This event is designed to be an interesting platform for information on the subject of machines and accessories for our clients and partners. • PETA • GOTEC • SIGMASOFT • T.I.G. • ROBOTIX • Harburg Freudenberger • Universität Leoben • ... and more to admire the impressive painting “The Kiss“ from the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. We will then celebrate in style in the historical Marble Hall with a breath-taking view of Vienna, where that the State treaty of Austria was signed in May 1955. These two days will offer many opportunities to network and develop new ideas. The evening program involves an elegant event at the world famous Belvedere Palace in Vienna. There will be a special tour around the Belvedere Museum where our guests will have the opportunity “The Kiss“ Gustav Klimt The conferences will cover automation, quality and application technology as well as energy efficiency and cost savings. Many machine innovations will be shown in the MAPLAN exhibition hall. We have also planned Individual technological consultation of MAPLAN and partners Our efforts are focused on having MAPLAN offer you the best machines on the market: based on innovation, synergy and increased productivity. We wish you a ple
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It is our aim to ensure that MAPLAN remains a globally competitive benchmark always at the highest level. For this reason we are currently working on a factory involving the concept of Lean Management and production. Lean Management means that all involved persons actively participate in the process and contribute to improvements increasing efficiency and productivity. The existing structures will be analysed intensively and focused on “Lean Management" principles. From this we have worked out a shop floor management system that is specifically designed for our needs and...
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MAPLAN Customer application AS-Z Baesweiler goes for MAPLAN MAPLAN C-frame machine distinguishes itself through innovative machine technology, flexibility and high quality control unit Last year the German company AS-Z (Andreas Satzkowski Zerspanungs-technik) located in Baesweiler purchased a MAPLAN C-frame machine MTF250/40C. The machine was delivered in December 2013. The purchase decision for MAPLAN was based on the adaptability of MAPLAN on machine specifications as well as the outstanding characteristics of the PC 5000 touch control interface. “flexibility for customers' specific...
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MAPLAN Innovation New dimensions: Big, bigger - 320t The new MAPLAN 320 tonne vertical machine After the success of the horizontal machine, 300t MHF XL, which is noted for a large daylight area and minimal space requirements, we are now starting the next project. Just as the 300t MHF machine succeeded in the range of horizontal machines, the 320t MTF vertical machine has also taken its place among MAPLAN’s top selling products. It was clear that this machine size was the next priority. However, for the 320 series the task was a bit different. We were not asked to increase the daylight of...
Open the catalog to page 4All Maplan Maschinen und technische Anlagen catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
MAPLAN C-frame
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