Catalog excerpts

• 223,71 kW Tier 4 Final engine • 370,5 t-m maximum load moment • 61,0 m main boom • Max boom + fixed jib combination: 58,0 m
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The MLC100-1 provides a broad range of features that will undoubtedly be translated into job -site benefits that increase productivity and save money. Features New Cab Design • 10% more legroom for operator • Full high back seat with headrest and moveable riser supports operator comfortably • Utilizes Crane Control System (CCS) • Storage shelving located in the rear of the cab • Redesigned consoles providing more legroom • Left side console rotates for improved egress • Six-way electric seat riser/slider Efficient Self-Assembly • Gantry raised counterweight reduces components and...
Open the catalog to page 2
Job site benefits Transport and Assembly • Designed to be transported with minimal permitted loads • Increased hook height allows for complete self-assembly with various trailer heights • Self Assembly sheaves in boom butt allow self-assembly without installation of boom top saving time during the assembly process Serviceability and support • Elimination of wireless components to reduce complexity for increased reliability • Cummins engine, cooler, air cleaner and after treatment package allows for better serviceability • Crane Control System (CCS) allows for troubleshooting through the...
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Outline dimensions
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Outline dimensions Rotating Bed w/ Boom Butt Height Counterweight Tray Height Upper Counterweight Height Lower Counterweight Height Basic Jib Assembly Height Boom Inserts Height
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Transportation Data Load summary 46,0 m B10:290 Quantity on trailer load # (Does not include blocking, strapping, etc.) Qty Rotating bed w/ boom butt Counterweight tray Upper counterweight Lower counterweight Detachable upper boom point Weight ball Payload for each trailer (lb)
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Performance data Front and Rear Drum Linespeed Third Drum Linespeed Single line pull/single line speed m/min Single line pull/single line speed m/min Single line pull mt Single line pull mt Third Drum Linepull Front and Rear Drum Hoist Reeving Parts of line 1 Drum Spooling Capacity Drum Wire rope length (working)
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Boom combinations B10:290 boom combinations Boom length m Boom inserts length m Fixed jib inserts length m 3,1 m jib insert 3,1 m jib insert 4,6 m jib butt 7m boom top 3m boom insert 3m boom insert 6m boom butt 3m boom insert 6m boom butt
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Main boom range diagram THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. The individual crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
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Main boom load chart B10:290 boom 33 120 kg upper counterweight, 10 500 kg carbody counterweight 360˚ For complete chart, refer to www.cranelibrary.com. THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. The individual crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
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Fixed jib working range THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. The individual crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
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Fixed jib load chart FJ10:117 fixed jib on B10:290 boom 33 120 kg upper counterweight, 10 500 kg carbody counterweight 360˚ 12,2 m jib at 10° offset Boom Length (m) 18,3 m jib at 10° offset Boom Length (m) THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. The individual crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
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Upperworks Engine Cummins Model QSB6.7 Tier 4 Final (Stage IV), 6 cylinder diesel, 300 hp (223 kW) at 2100 governed RPM. Cummins Model QSB6.7 Tier 3 (Stage III), 6 cylinder diesel, 275 hp (205 kW) at 2100 governed RPM. Includes exhaust aftertreatment system (Tier 4 Final) or muffler (Tier 3), air cleaner, 70 amp alternator, radiator and fan. Also includes 100 gallon (378 liter) capacity diesel fuel tank, mounted on right side of upperworks. Crane Control System The Crane Control System (CCS) offers a user-friendly interface, two full graphic displays mounted vertically for better...
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Counterweight The upperworks counterweight is attached to rotating bed with remote controlled hydraulically actuated pins. The upperworks counterweight consists of a one-piece tray and four upper counterweight boxes. Carbody counterweight boxes are each attached to carbody. Series 1 Upper counterweight (2 pieces+tray): 20 610 kg Series 2 Upper counterweight (4 pieces+tray): 33 120 kg Carbody counterweight (2 pieces): 10 500 kg Total counterweight: 43 620 kg Swing system Independent single swing drive mounted in rotating bed is powered by a hydraulic motor driving a spur gear through a...
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Optional equipment Detachable upper boom point with one 24 in diameter tapered roller bearing sheave for No. 290 boom top Blocks and hooks – • 13.8 USt (12.5 mT) cylindrical weight ball with swivel hook. • 27.5 USt (25 mT) hook block with one 24 in sheaves for 26 mm wire rope with swivel hook and hook latch. • 82.7 USt (75 mT) hook block with three 24 in sheaves for 26 mm wire rope with swivel hook and hook latch. • 110.2 USt (100 mT) hook block with four 24 in sheaves for 26 mm wire rope with swivel hook and hook latch. Hydraulic Test Kit: recommended to properly analyze the performance of...
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The Manitowoc Company, Inc. Regional headquarters Americas Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Tel: +1 414 760 4600 Europe and Africa Dardilly, France - TOWERS Tel: +33 (0) 4 72 18 20 20 APAC Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6457 0066 Shady Grove, Pennsylvania, USA Tel: +1 717 597 8121 Middle East and India Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 8862677 This document is non-contractual. Constant improvement and engineering progress make it necessary that we reserve the right to make specification, equipment, and price changes without notice. Illustrations shown may include optional equipment and accessories and may not...
Open the catalog to page 20All Manitowoc Cranes catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
Top slewing cranes MCT 50
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