Catalog excerpts

Grove GMK4100B Product Guide Features • 11,0 m – 51 m (36 ft – 167 ft) six-section full power MEGAFORMTM boom with TWIN-LOCKTM pinning • 8,7 m – 15 m (29 ft – 49 ft) hydraulic offset bi-fold swingaway • 1 x 6 m (20 ft) intermediate lattice insert • 19,3 t (42,500 lb) counterweight with hydraulic removal system • Mercedes-Benz OM 501 LA, 300 kW (402 bhp) at 1800 rpm, max. torque 2000 Nm (1475 ft-lb) at 1300 rpm • MEGATRAKTM independent hydro-pneumatic suspension
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Features TWIN-LOCK™ Boom pinning mechanism automatically pins the sections in position using two horizontal pins. CraneSTAR is an exclusive and innovative crane asset management system that helps improve your profitability and reduce costs by remotely monitoring critical crane data. Visit www.cranestar.com for more information. The MEGATRAK™ suspension system is the best off road driveline available on the market today. The system’s versatility and performance allows the GMK4100B to operate as a true all-terrain crane. The MEGATRAK™ independent suspension and all-wheel steer system allows...
Open the catalog to page 2
Counterweight Working range (Main boom) Load charts (Main boom) Working range (Swingaway and extension) Load charts (Swingaway and extension) Working range (Heavy duty jib) Load charts (Heavy duty jib) Symbols glossary
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Specifications Superstructure All aluminum constructed cab with acoustical lining, hydraulic tilted to 20°. Includes tinted safety glass, adjustable operator’s seat, opening windows at side and rear, hinged windshield with wiper, sun visor and window shade. Other features include diesel heater/defroster, armrest integrated crane controls, drive/steer controls and ergonomically arranged instrumentation. 11,0 m – 51 m (36 ft – 167 ft) six section, full power MEGAFORM™ boom with TWIN-LOCK™ pinning. Maximum tip height: 54 m (177 ft). Boom nose Six nylatron sheaves, mounted on heavy-duty tapered...
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Specifications Superstructure continued *Optional hookblocks Possible load with the crane* Lifting capacity * Required for overhaul of single part line with boom/jib lengths in excess of 60 m (196.9 ft) **Overhaul weight designed for a maximum of 60 m (196.9 ft) boom/jib lengths Box-type, torsion resistant frame is fabricated from high-strength steel. Outrigger system Four hydraulic single-stage outrigger beams with vertical cylinders and outrigger pads 500 mm (19.7 in) square. Outriggers can be set in four positions: Full 7 m (23 ft) Partial 6 m (19.7 ft) Partial 5 m (16.4 ft) Retracted...
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Specifications Carrier continued Electrical system 1st axle line - drive/steer 2nd axle line - steer (optional drive) 3rd axle line - drive/steer (connects for all-wheel steer) 4th axle line - drive/steer Drive axles with planetary hub reduction and center mounted gearing. Inter-axle and cross axle differential locks. Suspension Grove’s exclusive MEGATRAK™ suspension. Independent hydro-pneumatic system acting on all wheels with hydraulic lockout. Suspension can be raised 170 mm (6.7 in) or lowered 130 mm (5.1 in) both longitudinally and transversely. Features an automatic leveling system...
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(42.1' with auxiliary hoist) 3525 mm (11.6') 3160 mm (10.4')
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Weights Trailing boom Basic Weights - kg (lb) Mercedes-Benz Tier 4i power, 16.00 tires, 8x6x8 drive/steer, outrigger pads stowed, auxiliary hoist, 49 ft swingaway stowed, additional oil cooler, 1300 kg (2866 lb) counterweight slab bolted to superstructure and 2500 kg (5511 lb) counterweight slab clamped to the superstructure and 6000 lb dolly. Additions: 14.00R25 tires 20.5R25 tires 8x8x8 drive/steer Counterweight in place of auxiliary hoist Removals: Hydraulic hose reel Brackets for swingaway 12 m – 21 m (29.5 ft – 49 ft) swingaway Front and rear outrigger floats 2500 kg (5511 lb)...
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Working range 36 ft – 167 ft main boom 167.3' Height from the ground in feet Operating radius in feet from axis of rotation Hook block 6 USt, 7 single headache ball Tip heights shown in the working range diagram do not consider loaded boom deflection.
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Load charts Main boom * 0 ° over rear with special equipment Loads above 130,000 lb require additional equipment Loads above 130,000 lb require additional equipment THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. GrOVe CMK4100B The individual crane's load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
Open the catalog to page 11
Load charts Main boom Loads above 130,000 lb require additional equipment Loads above 130,000 lb require iiriiiitional equipment THIS CHART IS ONIYA GUIDE AND SHOUID NOT BE USED TO OPERATETHE CRANE. The individual crane's load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must he read and understood prior to operating the crane,
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Working range 167.3 ft main boom with hydraulic luffing 28.5 ft and 49.2 ft swingaway and 1 x 19.7 ft insert 0° Height from the ground in feet Operating radius in feet from axis of rotation Tip heights shown in the working range diagram do not consider loaded boom deflection.
Open the catalog to page 13
Load charts Hydraulic offsettable swingaway Intermediate angle Boom Boom Radius Boom Extension Intermediate angle Boom Boom Radius Boom Extension THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. The individual crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane.
Open the catalog to page 14
Load charts Manual offsettable swingaway Fixed angle Fixed angle THIS CHART IS ONIYA GUIDE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. GrOVG GM K4100B The individual cranes load chart, operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane
Open the catalog to page 15
Working range 36 ft – 167 ft main boom with 6.6 ft heavy duty jib Height from the ground in feet Operating radius in feet from axis of rotation Tip heights shown in the working range diagram do not consider loaded boom deflection.
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