Catalog excerpts

24 bit seismograph for seismic prospecting with refraction, reflection, active and passive MASW (Re.Mi.), SASW, Down-hole, Cross-hole, seismic tomography, HVSR investigation methodology. The unit is equipped with a capture card with 24 bit resolution. It is possible to serialize two units to reach 48 channels. Through the management software, to be installed on any PC or notebook connected to the acquisition unit, it is possible to set all the parameters relating to the type of seismic survey that you intend to carry out with maximum simplicity and speed. Methodologies Refraction Seismic Reflection Seismic Seismic Down-Hole/Cross-Hole Re.Mi / ESAC Seismic Tomography M.A.S.W. M.A.A.M. Geophone number Export compatibility MAE s.r.l advanced geophysics instruments Zona Ind. Fresilia - 86095 Frosolone (IS)
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General In-line test Geophone test, noise analysis Enviromental condition Power supply Internal Li-ion battery Acquisition Dynamic range Anti aliasing Common mode rejection Input signal Trigger type Differential trigger, geophone selectable Trigger channel acquisition MAE s.r.l advanced geophysics instruments Zona Ind. Fresilia - 86095 Frosolone (IS)
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MAE s.r.l advanced geophysics instruments Zona Ind. Fresilia - 86095 Frosolone (IS)
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