Catalog excerpts

Direct solenoid and solenoid pilot operated valves 8mm valve Serie 33 Individual mounting Ovale armature Encapsulated coil 42 Bonded balanced poppet Return spring 92 SERIES FEATURES • Patented high force MACSOLENOID® for fastest possible response times. • Bonded balanced poppet for high flow, precise repeatability, and consistent operation. • Extremely high cycle rate capability. • Use on lube or non-lube service. • Low wattage DC solenoids-down to 0.5 W. • 8 mm direct operated valve. • Very fast response times. Consult “Precautions” page 327 before use, installation or service of MAC Valves..
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Direct solenoid and solenoid pilot operated valves 8mm valve Port size Individual mounting OPERATIONAL BENEFITS Patents and patents pending 1. 8mm valve direct solenoid operated. 2. Balanced poppet, immune to pressure variations. 3. Short stroke with high flow. 4. Patented solenoid develops high shifting forces. 5. Low wattage solenoids. 6. Powerful return spring. 7. Extremely fast response times. Port size 46 ** For use with solenoids above 4.0 W - MOD number required. (Consult factory) Lead wire length Manual operator Electrical connection No manual operator Non-locking recessed...
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Series 33 TECHNICAL DATA Compressed air, vacuum, inert gases Pressure range : Not required, if used select a medium aniline point lubricant (between 180°F and 210°F) Temperature range : Class A wire (#26 AWG x18), continuous duty Voltage range : Dimensions shown are metric (mm) Shown with JST Connector Consult “Precautions” page 327 before use, installation or service of MAC Valves..
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Codification table for voltages / Manual operators / Electrical connections - Solenoid valves 33 Series Consult “Precautions” page 327 before use, installation or service of MAC Valves..
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B-XXX-XXX VOLTAGE 2. WIRE LENGTH (all series) B-XXX-XXX WIRE LENGTH_ B-XXX-XXX MANUAL OPERATOR_ BB Flying leads with LED BC Flying leads with MOV BI> Flying leads with LED and MOV RA Mini JAC solenoid plug-in RB Mini JAC solenoid plug-in with LED RC Mini JAC solenoid plug-in with MOV RD Mini JAC solenoid plug-in with LED and MOV TB JST solenoid plug-in with LED TC JST solenoid plug-in with MOV TP JST solenoid plug-in with LED and MOV *MOD numbers required for these voltages (consult factory) ** Not available for flying leads connector Consult "Precautions" page 327 before use, installation...
Open the catalog to page 5All MAC Valves catalogs and technical brochures
PV03 Series
3 Pages
Series 37
7 Pages
Series 38
15 Pages
Series 72
4 Pages
Series 77
6 Pages
Series 100
13 Pages
Series 200
18 Pages
Series 1100
5 Pages
92 MAConnect
20 Pages
82 series
24 Pages
MAC Advantage Brochure
16 Pages
288 Pages
Proportional pressure controller
89 Pages
359 Pages
298 Pages
77 series
6 Pages
Serial interface
16 Pages
82 MAConnect
24 Pages
Bullet Valve
24 Pages
38 series
15 Pages
32 series
17 Pages
14 Pages
31 series
9 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages