Group: MA Safety Signal Co.,Ltd.
Catalog excerpts

Silicasol Precision Casting (Lost Wax Investment Casting) Precision Machining Full Range Production Process Full Range Production & Testing Devices
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Mould Make
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1 Machining Center (For Mould) Sand Blasting Machine Vertical Machine Center Tumble Shot Blasting Machine Hanger Type Shot Blasting Machine CNC Lathe Centre Lathe Water-Soluble Wax Injection Machine Polishing Machine CNC Milling Machine Radial Drilling Machine 31 Impact Testing Machine
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The surface finish for the castings we can provide arc as follows: Blacking. Zinc Plating. Chronic Plating, and Nickel Plating tor the caiCon steet and the low alloy steel casings; Tumbling, handcraft dull polishing, mirror polishing, electrolytic poishing and Passivation treatment for the stainless steet castings and sandblasting including glass bead blasting, corundum-sand biasing and quartz-sand blasting for all the steel castings.
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MA Precision Casting Gary Wang Cell/Whatsapp: +86 13625777856 Mail: garygoking@sina.com Web:www. ma~casting.com Add.Lucheng Road,Wenzhou .China
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