Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon
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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 1

HDSL-135 Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon

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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 4

Measurement Diagram

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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 5

Internal Switch Sound Tone Selection There 12 type tones built in device,use internal selector switch to select according tones combination. WS WP 12 Type Tones,5 Channel Switch 40 Choices SWITCH Tone Combinatio n Number

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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 6

WA07 Long PI after 7 Short Long PI after 7 Short

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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 7

Light Steady / Flash Selection This product provides a lighting control switch on an internal circuit board.Lighting steady when turn to ’L’ ,lighting flash when turn to ’LF’. Volume Adjustment Adjustment This product provides a volume control switch on an internal circuit board.Rotate clockwise to increase the volume. External Contact Control Base on on/off contact signal,it can realize external control with signal cables,which is helpful for trigger alarm tone by remote device,such as push button or reply sw

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Heavy Duty Alarm Sounder With Warning Beacon - 8

Treating Power Line use water-proof connector or cable grand Power Entry Standard PF 1/2.Entry.Entry PF 3/4 is custom made. Wiring 1 .AC Product: Wire without polarity 2.DC Product: Black line is Negative(-). 3.For a more secure connection, ends of the power cables using cold press terminal block "o", "u".

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