INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering


Catalog excerpts

INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 1


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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 2

LUNA Electricity Meters is a member of the Corporate Group deals in the business of design and manufacturing of electronic circuits and products far controlling and measuring electrical energy, that founded in 1991 in İzmir. in addi�on to design and manufacturing of electricity meters, LUNA carries so�ware and hardware applica�ons provide the communica�on between the meters in its own structure. LUNA is one of the biggest supplier in its country, that provides meter demands of Turkish private and public sectors by the monthly produc�on capacity of 400.000 meters. LUNA is one of the limited...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 3

In addi�on to ISO-9001 Quality Management System, MID Cer�ficate inspected yearly by EU, enabled LUNA produc�on facility to export meters for European Union Countries. Luna has strong experience of meter management in electricity meters, PLC, RF and GSM/GPRS meter management systems. Addi�onaly, Luna is able to supply high demands in a short �me with reasonable prices by high produc�on rate. By the con�nues coordina�on with Test Labora�es and Organiza�ons authorized by EU, LUNA Meters may take required MID and na�onal cer�ficates in a short period of �me. Meters for special needs and design...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 4


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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 5

Single Phase Import - Export / Ac�ve-Reac�ve Meter High stability, wide measurement range Technical Specifica�ons Single phase 2 wire meter Ac�ve-Reac�ve/Import-Export Ac�ve Class: B/C - Reac�ve Class: 2 Direct connected 5(100)A current 230VAC - 240VAC reference voltage 1000imp/kWh - 1000imp/kVArh -40°C...+70°C temp. range IP54 protec�on class 188 segments LCD screen Op�cal port communica�on 15m/90days - 30m/180days - 60m/360days Load Profile record periods Op�onal Features RS485 communica�on port PLC communica�on module (DCSK / G3-PLC) GSM communica�on module RF communica�on module RF-ID...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 6

Single Phase Import Prepayment meters Export / Active-Reactive Meter Mdlms <S3-PLC*B» TW certified Optional Features 20 character key DES/AES/2DES/3DES crytptography support Automatic disconnect after credit finished Sensitive capacitive touchpad Touchpad with water rejection Wet finger sensing PLC communication module Neutral measurement RF-IDOptional Features O Mifare or Felica Card's support O DES/AES/2DES/3DES - Cryptol(Mifare) cryptography support O Up to EAL 4+ security level O Meets ISO 14433-A standard O Log upload to RFID Card O Call Back Card option for taking paymnet amount back...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 7

Single Phase Import-Export / Ac�ve Reac�ve Meter Smart Meter structure appropriate for pluggable communica�on modules Technical Specifica�ons Single phase 2 wire meter Ac�ve-Reac�ve / Import-Export Ac�ve Class:B/C Reac�ve Class: 2 Direct connected 5(100)A current 230VAC reference voltage 1000imp/kWh - 1000imp/kVArh -40°C...+70°C temp. range IP54 protec�on class 188 segments LCD screen Op�cal port communica�on 15m/90days - 30m/180days - 60m/360days Load Profile record periods Integrated Op�onal Features RS485 communica�on port RF-ID module op�on DLMS-Cosem support An� magne�c (AML) Detec�on...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 8

Three Phase Active-Reactive / Import-Export Meter Standard design, stronger, stable stucture 50mm 50mm 56.15mm Technical Specifications Optional Features O Three phase 4 wire meter O Active-Reactive / Import-Export O Active Class: B/C Reactive Class: 2 O Direct connected O 5(100)A current 0 3 x 230/400Vac reference voltage O 1000imp/kWh - 1000imp/kVArh O -40°C...+70°C temp. range O IP54 protection class O 188 segments LCD screen O Optical port communication O 15m/90days - 30m/180days - 60m/360days Load Profile record periods RS485 communication port PLC communication module GSM...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 9

Three Phase Import-Export / Active-Reactive Meter More control and efficiency with LSM40 ASTRO model Technical Specifications Three phase 4 wire meter Active-Reactive / Import-Export Active Class: B/C Reactive Class:2 Direct connected 5(100)A current 3 x 230/400Vac reference voltage 1000imp/kWh - 1000imp/kVArh -40°C...+70°C temp. range IP54 protection class 188 segments LCD screen Optical port communication 15m/90days - 30m/180days - 60m/360days Load Profile record periods LSM40 ASTRO Special meter for street lighting O Automatic calculation of sunrise-sunset times based on city/district...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 10

Three Phase Import-Export / Ac�ve-Reac�ve Meter Prepayment meters Op�onal Features 20 Character Key DES/AES/2DES/3DES cryptography support Automa�c disconnect a�er credit finished Sensi�ve capaci�ve touchpad Touchpad with water rejec�on Wet finger sensing Op�onal Features Mifare or FElica Card’s support DES/AES/2DES/3DES - Crypto1(Mifare) cryptography support Up to EAL 4+ security level Meets ISO 14433-A standard Log upload to RFID Card Call Back Card op�on for taking payment amount back from the meter Automa�c d

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 11

LSM42 Three Phase Import-Export / Active Reactive Meter 173,80 Optional Features O RS485 communication port O PLC communication module O GSM communication module O RF communication module O RF-ID module option O Anti-magnetic (AML) O Detection and record magnetic interventions O LCD backlight O Export energy measurement O Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measurement O Load profile records up to 10 years Technical Specifications O Three phase 4 wire meter O Active-Reactive / Import-Export O Active Class: B/C Reactive Class: 2 O Direct connected O 5(100)A current 0 3 x 230/400Vac reference...

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INNOVATIVE, SMART, ACCURATE solutions on metering - 12

Three Phase Import-Export / Active Reactive MeterSmart Meter structure appropriate for pluggable communication modules Technical Specifications Integrated Optional Features o o o o o o o o o o o o O RS485 communication port O RF-ID module option O Detection and record magnetic interventions O Latching relay O LCD backlight O Export energy measurement O Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measurement O PLC communication module O GSM communication module O RF communication module O Ethernet module O Load profile records up to 10 years Three phase 4 wire meter Active-Reactive / Import-Export...

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