

Catalog excerpts

Demag - 1

La serie DEMAG e composta da 7 modelli standard e tramite dischi magnetici rotanti e in grado olio emulsionato e da 25 a 200 litri/ minuto di olio intero. Questo sistema viene impiegato per la depurazione di oli interi ed emul- sionati con una viscosita massima di II sistema a dischi magnetici rotanti non uti- lizza materiali filtranti a perdere e consente ~ liquido contaminato da particelle metaNiche magnetiche attraversa il gruppo rotante dei dischi magnetici. Le particelle inquinanti, vengono cattu- rate dal gruppo rotante, grazie al campo magnetico esercitato dai magneti perma- nenti. Una lama raschiante prowede alia rimozione in continuo delle particelle dal gruppo rotante e le invia ad uno scivolo II liquido depurato viene raccolto nella vasca sottostante e rinviato alia mac- chine utensile con I'apposita elettro- The coolant filters of DEMAG series, are available in 7 standard models. With their magnetic discs, they are able to filter, depending on the model, 50 to 400 litres per minute for soluble oil, and from 25 to 200 litres per minute for soluble oil. This kind of system is suitable for the purification of neat or soluble oil with contaminated by magnetic particles. The rotating magnetic discs system has very low running costs, does not use consuma- ble materials and allows separate waste \% Working process discharge pipe connected to the coupling welded on the magnetic discs) from the machine tool to the distri- bution trough where the magnetic discs are positioned. The magnetic discs retain the metallic particles, while the clean oil is collected into a tank and pumped back to the machine tool. The metallic parti- cles gathered by the discs are conveyed to the sludge chute which collects the waste into a tank. Reihe eignen sich zum Filtern von reinen Olen und Emulsionen mit magnetischen Partikeln. Sie besitzen eine Fbrderleistung von 50-400 l/min Dieses System wird eingesetzt urn reine file und Emulsionen mit einer Bei der Filtrierung iiber magnetische Drehscheiben werden, anders als beim Filtervlies, keine dem Verschleiss unterwor- fenen Filtermaterialen eingesetzt. Dies ermbglicht niedrige Betriebskosten und der Abfall kann getrennt entsorgt werden. mutzige Kiihlmittel durch die an dem Magnetscheibenreiniger geschweiUte Magnetabscheiders zugefuhrt. Hier werden Schlammsammelwanne geleitet. Die gerei- nigte Flussigkeit wird in der unten gelegenen Wanne gesammelt und dann der Maschine erneut

Open the catalog to page 1
Demag - 2

Depuratore magnetico per liquidi Tutte le macchine utensili ad asporta- zione ditruciolo. Depurazione di liquidi lubrorefrigeranti contaminati da impurita magnetiche, Filtration of magnetic particles from liquid coolants Filtration of coolants with a max visco- magnetic particles. Alle Werkzeugmaschinen.

Open the catalog to page 2
Demag - 3

Imballi: dimensioni e pesi Packing: dimensions and weight Verpackung: Ma Re und Gewicht Caratteristiche tecniche Technical characteristics Technische Daten Delta connection Star connection Direttive e norme soddisfatte Conforms to directives and rules

Open the catalog to page 3

All LOSMA catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Spring

    12 Pages

  2. Serie DMD

    8 Pages

  3. Serie Master

    12 Pages

  4. Pascal M

    12 Pages

  5. Extra

    4 Pages

  6. Master Series

    12 Pages

  7. DMD Series

    4 Pages

  8. Spring Compact

    12 Pages

  9. Magneto

    4 Pages

  10. Skim

    4 Pages

  11. DTE

    8 Pages

  12. Pascal

    4 Pages

  13. Argos

    4 Pages

  14. Galileo Plus

    8 Pages

  15. Icarus

    12 Pages

  16. Darwin

    12 Pages

  17. DECOM

    3 Pages

  18. Superfilter

    2 Pages

  19. X26

    4 Pages

  20. Rotomag

    2 Pages

  21. Detex

    6 Pages

  22. Green

    8 Pages

  23. Newton

    8 Pages

  24. Spark

    2 Pages

  25. Sirius

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs


    8 Pages


    4 Pages


    4 Pages

  4. Product Range

    24 Pages