Aluminium Thermal Processes
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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 1

Aluminium Thermal Processes For optimized material properties

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 2

TENOVA LOI THERMPROCESS Tenova LOI Thermprocess is one of the leading companies in supplying industrial furnace systems for the heat treatment of metals. Worldwide clients from the steel, aluminium and automotive industries rely on the technical solution competence and thousands of references backed by a history of over 100 years representing the entire know-how in the field of material properties and secondary metallurgy. Tenova LOI Thermprocess is a global partner represented in all major markets throughout the world. Being a driver in the transformation of the metals industry towards...

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 3

Tenova companies for thermal processes and systems for Aluminium: Melting / casting / recycling plants Heat treatment plants Strip processing lines Energy recovery technologies Roll grinding equipment

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 4

ALUMINIUM – LIGHTWEIGHT, INNOVATIVE AND COMPLETELY RECYCLABLE Due to its unique properties and the optimal recyclability of used aluminium components, aluminium is a trendsetting material for automobiles, mechanical engineering and aviation industry and outclasses alternative materials with regard to many future-oriented solutions. Aluminium • low density • favourable corrosion resistance • high electrical conductivity • high thermal conductivity • high stability • good formability • excellent light reflection • numerous possibilities of surface treatment • unrestricted recycling without

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 5

Aluminium Melting and Casting Furnace Plants Melting furnaces Casting furnaces Aluminium Recycling Twin-chamber melting furnace TCF 12 ® Aluminium Heat Treatment Automotive casting Automotive forgings Rolling mill al-loi Process technologies ® Automotive structural components Foil annealing plants Strip annealing plants Automation System

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 6

ALUMINIUM MELTING AND CASTING FURNACE PLANTS Aluminium melting and casting furnaces are used to melt block metal and clean scrap and to cast the liquid metal in casting plants. The furnaces are either stationary or tiltable; they can be equipped with special charging machines and be adjusted to individual production conditions.

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 7

MELTING AND CASTING PLANTS Tenova LOI Thermprocess optimizes arrangement ensures a uniform The melting and casting furnaces be either tiltable or stationary. They are heated with gas or oil burners. The energy consumption is reduced due to regenerative heat recovery and furnace pressure control. A fully automatic control system ensures the constant quality of the melt; an optimal process control contributes to reduced metal loss. Mathematical the melting and heating process furnace plants. The plant design is based on the optimized combustion process, melt movements and heating profiles....

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 8

MELTING FURNACES As the melting furnaces are used for melting block metal or clean scrap, they are equipped with a large charging and cleaning door. Special • high heat recovery • low energy consumption • reduced noxious emission • low maintenance required • easy operation charging machines facilitate the operation and increase the efficiency. • melting of block metal • melt treatment in the furnace • regenerative heating • metal circulation by use of a High availability • solid and robust design • reliable components • know-how gathered in decades PLANT DATA Final products rolling ingots...

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 9

CASTING FURNACES in a controlled manner. The melt as holding furnaces to provide from the furnace into the casting The casting furnaces are used the melt for the casting process. The hydraulically tiltable design is typical of these furnaces as it allows to smoothly feed a casting aggregate with the liquid metal is transferred on the same level equipment by means of a hinged launder. The furnaces are equipped with a large cleaning door. The furnaces offer various possibilities of metal cleaning. PLANT DATA Final products rolling ingots extrusion billets pigs Furnace capacity Heating system...

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 10

ALUMINIUM RECYCLING The TCF® process, developed by Tenova LOI Thermprocess is subject to continuous optimization. This process is applied for recycling aluminium scrap (returned from production) and scrap metal with sticking oil, grease, lacquer, plastic or thermal insulation layers (end of life). The combination of a Twin-Chamber Melting Furnace TCF® with a waste gas purification plant is a reasonable solution for aluminium recycling in ecological and economic terms.

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 11

TCF® TECHNOLOGY Favourable Environmental • The waste gas is cleaned of dust is led into the reaction zone of • recycling of scrap with • chips • thin-walled scrap • small-sized scrap • no scrap pre-treatment is required • scrap pre-heating in reducing furnace atmosphere from the adhering substances consumption are reduced due to the use of the pyrolysis gas. waste gas purification process. system including CCR the increased; the energy consumption is reduced simultaneously. • melting in liquid metal bath • oxygen-free scrap chamber • Integrated in the furnace with • The automatic charging...

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 12

TWIN-CHAMBER MELTING FURNACE TCF® The Twin-Chamber Melting Furnace TCF® comprises a furnace casing with two furnace chambers. While their atmospheres are separated, the two chambers dispose of a Twin-Chamber Melting Furnace TCF® • melting of scrap with contaminants • melting of chips • melting of scrap without prior pre-treatment common melting bath. First, the • separated atmospheres in scrap pyrolised. In the next step, the • melting in liquid metal bath scrap is placed and pre-heated chamber; the contaminants are scrap is pushed into the melting bath for being melted there. The heating...

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Aluminium Thermal Processes - 13

For the purpose of alloy adjustment liquid metal can be used in the furnace and will be inserted via a liquid metal inlet pocket. DISCHARGE OF LIQUID METAL The melted metal can be discharged from the furnace via tap cones or a pump and will be forwarded to a downstream aggregate (e.g. a casting furnace). While tapping, TYPICAL PLANT DATA TCF75 Final products filled above the opening in the intermediate wall. rolling ingots – extrusion billets – pigs Heating system Metal circulation electromagnetic / mechanical it is possible to discharge so much liquid metal that the bath is kept Charging...

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All LOI Thermprocess - Tenova Metals Division catalogs and technical brochures