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Catalog excerpts

TRIX-8 - 1


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TRIX-8 - 2

The LogTag ® TRIX-8 is a versatile, wide range, multi-trip Temperature Recorder, featuring high reso lution temperature readings over a measurement range of -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F). The LogTag ® TRIX-8 complies with the relevant international standards for temperature monitoring devices, such as FCC, CE, RCM, TÜV, EN12830, WHO PQS and RoHS. This demonstrates its quality and suitability for temperature monitoring applications where accuracy and consistency is required. Pr otectiv e Enclos ure N ot Inc lude d

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TRIX-8 - 3

Features A real time clock provides date/time stamps for each temperature reading. Up to 8,000 recordings - enough for the longest trip. In-transit inspections at the push of a button. Industry best download time - less than 5 seconds for full memory. Comprehensive customization options including alarm settings, sample interval and trip duration. Fixed Battery provides 1 year storage, followed by 2 – 3 years of normal use.

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TRIX-8 - 5

Specifications Product Model Sensor Measurement Range Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Rated Temperature Reading Resolution Less than 0.1°C for -40°C to +40°C. Less than 0.2°C for +40°C to +80°C. Less than 0.4°C for +80°C to +85°C. Rated Temperature Reading Accuracy Better than ±0.5°C for -20°C to +40°C. Better than ±0.7°C for -30°C to -20°C and +40°C to +60°C. Better than ±0.8°C for +60°C to +85°C. Better than ±0.9°C for -40°C to -30°C. Sensor Reaction Time Typically less than 5 minutes (T90) in moving air (1m/s). Recording Capacity 8031 temperature readings. 53 days @...

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All Logtag catalogs and technical brochures

  1. TIC20

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  2. Vaxtag

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  3. HASO-8

    5 Pages

  4. USRID-16

    5 Pages

  5. UTREL30-WiFi

    5 Pages

  6. UTRID-16

    5 Pages

  7. TREL30-16

    5 Pages

  8. UTRED-16F

    5 Pages

  9. UTRIX-16

    5 Pages

  10. TRED30-16R

    5 Pages

  11. UTRED30-WiFi

    5 Pages

  12. UTRED30-16

    5 Pages

  13. TRID30-7

    5 Pages

  14. UTREL30-16

    5 Pages

  15. USRIC-8

    5 Pages

  16. USRIC-16

    5 Pages

  17. USRIC-4

    5 Pages

  18. HAXO-8

    5 Pages

  19. TREX-8

    5 Pages