Catalog excerpts

Our customer are our friends. The Byström Family We guarantee you a safe buy You are warmly welcome to contact us! Webshops available in selected markets, see www.logosol.com Two-Year Warranty Please find your local distributor on the back of this catalog, at www.logosol.com or call Logosol Sweden +46 (0)611 182 85. Doing business with Logosol is safe. We provide you a two-year warranty on our machines. The warranty covers manufacturing defects and problems that have occured during normal use of the machines, with the exception of consumable items such as belts, guide bars and chains....
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SAWMILLS | BANDSAW MILLS Invest in the machines of the future hen it comes to working with wood, Logosol is your choice. We develop and sell the machines of the future. The saw or planer you buy from us today can be easily upgraded with new modules and new accessories as your business or interest develops. We have solutions and prices to match most requirements. And you get job satisfaction into the bargain! To experience the smell of wood, to fashion a log into something enduring – this is a fantastic feeling. The refining of wood is also a rewarding business, whether for your own benefit...
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Quality | Userfriendliness | Profitability Innovation | Design With LOGOSOL processing wood becomes fun! Robert Ebner STIHL® Timbersports® Series All prices are excl. VAT and delivery.
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sAWMILLs cHAIn & bAnd All prices are excl. VAT and delivery.
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M7 will make your life MoRe coMPLete With the Logosol Sawmill you can saw your timber directly on site, in the lengths and dimensions of your choice. Because it is lightweight and easy to use you can, without difficulty, take the sawmill with you and you can manage it all single-handed. ince the Logosol Sawmill first was introduced in 1989, its construction and design have been developed into the perfect one-man sawmill it is today. There are over 25 000 Logosol Sawmills around the world. At the same time, our sales of spare parts are insignificant, which says quite a lot. Many of our...
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All prices are excl. VAT and delivery.
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tHe M7 sAWMILL 4 Adjustable feet. Quick setup. 4 Perfect squaring. The log clamps press the project log against long, fixed fences. 4 The log beds are independently adjustable, thus minimizing wastage of sawing material. The lifting system, with its lifting line and log beds, has a capacity of lifting over a tonne. 4 Visible scales and fixed height settings make adjustments easy and accurate. 4 The linear ratchet allows quick adjustments. 1/4” (6.35 mm) and 1/8” (3.18 mm). 4 Quick assembly by means of specially designed nuts which holds the chainsaw in an iron grip. 4 We recommend Stihl...
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4 Easy to carry if you are going to saw on different sites, e.g. in the forest. 4 Reliable and well-tried construction with optimal funcionality. 4 A complete and fully functional sawmill at the lowest price on the market. 4 You get a lot for the money. All that you need for sawing up a log is included. complete list M5, see current price list. LoGosoL M5 The original Logosol Sawmill, fully functional at the best price. M5 is a developed version of the origi nal Logosol Sawmill, introduced in 1989, which has now reached its optimal func tion. M5 is the most sold model of all Logo sol...
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WoodWoRkeR’s MILL New possibilities are opened up for woodworkers. Around your neighbourhood there are lots of timber, just waiting to be cut. In towns and cities park trees are thrown on the dump, and in the gardens fruit trees are felled and burned on bonfires. In the forest there are ash, sycamore, pines, oak, and other types of trees that many would class as brushwood, but we woodworkers value so highly. It would be a great shame not to take care of these treasure chests of wooden work pieces. Logosol’s Woodworker’s Mill is a fantastic tool that maintains very high quality down to the...
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4 Adjustable feet. Quick set-up. 4 Perfect squaring. The log clamps press the project log against long, fixed fences. 4 The log beds are independently adjustable, thus minimizing wastage of sawing material. The lifting system has a capacity of lifting over a tonne. 4 Visible scales and fixed height settings make adjustments easy and accurate. TEcHnIcaL daTa daTa daTa T Weight: 48 kg without saw unit. Length: 2.75 m is standard length. Width: 1.1 m distance between log beds: 1.1 m Log diameter: Up to 60 cm, with the possibility of sawing logs of larger diameters. Log length: 2.4 meter is...
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Which saw Unit Suits You Best? The Environmentally Friendly Alternative TEcHnIcaL daTa Rated output: E4000: 4kW max 8 kW 10,8 hk, E5000: 5 kW max 10 kW 13,6 hk, E8000: 8 kW max 16 kW 21,5 hk. The environmentally friendly alternative for you who have access to electricity on the working site. Quieter, stronger and easier to use than the petrol saw. Available with automatic feeder. All the models are satisfied with a 16 amp main fuse and equipped with first-rate overheating protection. The smooth operation of the motor reduces the wear and tear on the chain and the sprocket. All models are...
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Bandsaw with professional Performance advantages of the bandsaw It saws more than twice as fast as a chainsaw, and the kerf is only 2 mm, which can be advantageous when you are sawing valuable sorts of wood. In order to make it lightweight, the bandsaw has a chassis of cast aluminium. The wheels are also made of aluminium, which gives a low rotational mass that is easily started and stopped. The bandsaw runs on a carriage with ball bearings which moves along the guide rail of the Logosol Sawmill. The saw blade is lubricated and cooled with water. ailable w All prices are excl. VAT and...
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Chainsaws – freedom to cut anywhere Logosol offers Stihls’ range of chain saws. Here we present the best models for log sawing. When you buy a chain saw from Logosol you get an extra year warranty. Long bars and chains to below chainsaws are available for fast delivery. advantages of the petrol chainsaw A good choice if you need a chainsaw for the Timberjig or for cutting firewood. (Incl. 40 cm bar and chain.) All chainsaws are easily started due to a decomdecom pression valve and ElastoStart (shock-absorbing starter handle). WARRA AR SAWMILLS & BAND SAWMILLS | Saw Units An efficient saw...
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