Catalog excerpts

Loading Systems: The Ins & Outs of Logistics These products and systems are currently being sold in many European countries by the companies own subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, the Slovak republic, the Czech republic and in Switzerland. In many other countries relationships were formed with companies who specialise in logistical solutions, these companies now act as dealers for Loading Systems. Who is Loading Systems? In the early sixties specialists started thinking about the efficiency of freight movement which resulted in the logistics almost becoming a science. Around the same time a Dutch company started to supply products and systems for that specific discipline of logistics, also known as the interface between internal and external logistics. That company is now internationally known as Loading Systems, a total supplier with a large range of products and systems, intended for optimising performance around the loading and unloading bays at warehouses. This range today consists of seven product lines, these are: • Powerplate (loading plates) • Poweramp (dock levellers) • Powershelter (dock seals & shelters) • Powerlock (vehicle restraint systems) • Powerdoor (industrial doors) • Powerlift (lift platforms) • Accessories Poweramp® Dock Levellers - in order to bridge the difference in height and distance between the loading bay and the vehicle floor Loading Systems supplies the Poweramp dock leveller. The dock leveller is available in both hydraulic and mechanical models with either a hinged or extending lip. Poweramps are available in a large range of sizes and capacities with several options. The characteristic features are ease of operation, high quality and safety. Powerlift® Lift Platforms - The Loading Systems Powerlift range is recommended when among other things loading and unloading takes place from road level, and there are extremes in height variation between the platform and the vehicle or for loading and unloading of very small vehicles. Just like our other products, the Powerlift meets the highest quality standards to ensure a long working life. Powershelter® Dock Seals & Shelters - The extensive range of Loading Systems dock seals, dock shelters and inflatable dock shelters offer an optimum seal between the building and the vehicle. The dock seals and shelters, therefore, protect both people and goods from temperature fluctuations and weather conditions during loading and unloading and effect considerable energy savings. Powerlock® Vehicle Restraint Systems - The safety of loading bays is enhanced by the Powerlock® system. The locking of the vehicle in combination with an audible and visual warning system inside the building and traffic lights outside, prevents the ‘creeping’ or premature departure of vehicles during the loading and unloading process. Powerdoor® Industrial Doors – The Powerdoor range offers various different solutions to create a closing between intermediate areas. Depending on the type of closing needed and the expected logistical movements the best solution can be selected in a range of industrial sectional doors, speed doors and strip curtians. All doors can be made to measure and can be adapted to suit almost every available space. The Powerdoors are fully insulated and meet all applicable quality standards. Accessories® Our range is complemented by a variety of accessories and supplementary products such as dock bumpers, integrated control panels, dock lights, traffic lights, wheel guides, dock pods, support frames, modular docks, etc. Powerplate® Loading Plates - The miniramp is a small mechanical dock leveller which is used where the difference in height between the platform and the vehicle is very small. The Power plates are removable, fixed position or adjustable by sliding along the dock edge in a track. The Miniramp and Power plate are simple to install in both new and existing buildings.
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Powerplate Poweramp Powershelter Powerlock Powerlift Powerdoor Accessories www.loading-systems.com Technical specifications are subject to change What is Loading Systems? In the past years Loading Systems has developed into a market lead total supplier. This is evident in the quality of the products, as well as to the organisation and the methods with which target groups are being guided and supported. Furthermore, advanced automated and robotic production methods have been developed in order to produce efficiently. Even though one can assume there are standard designs, practically all end...
Open the catalog to page 2All Loading Systems International catalogs and technical brochures
Industrial doors
52 Pages
Dock equipment
72 Pages
Archived catalogs
Powerlift tables
2 Pages
Powerdoor industrial doors
2 Pages
Powershelter dockshelters
2 Pages
20 Pages