Catalog excerpts

Turbo MF2/MF3 Filtering chip conveyor to 50ìm Your best choice for: Mixed-shape, Fine, coarse or stringy Mixed material, best for aluminium and brass
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The Turbo MF2/MF3 will handle any type of chip material, any type of chip load and any chip geometry including fines, broken and stringy chips, all while providing filtered coolant to keep the machine tank clear of chips. The most versatile chip conveyor Heavy chip removal of all sizes with filtration is essential to keeping your production running efficiently. Dual purpose conveying The Turbo MF2/MF3 is designed and built to take on the toughest chip removal jobs and simultaneously provide superior filtration. The Turbo MF2/MF3 is a dual conveyor design. The upper conveyor is a hinge belt...
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Performance machine tools are only making money when they produce parts. High level filtration with the Turbo MF2/MF3 is the best way to reduce tank cleaning and indirect labor associated with this. Self cleaning, hassel-free filtration The self cleaning filter drum located in the lower conveyor is protected from heavy chips by the upper conveyor and is designed with a very fine filter material which traps particles greater than 50 microns keeping all fine chips out of the coolant tank. The filter drum seal is a unique design incorporating Viton seal material and a metal preseal. The metal...
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LNS SA CH-2534 Orvin www.LNS-europe.com Phone +41 (0)32 358 02 00 Fax +41 (0)32 358 02 01 sales@LNS-world.com Turbo MF2/MF3 Designed to meet your requirements Lower conveyor removes small, fine chips Mixed chips and coolant from the machine Upper conveyor removes large stringy chips The self -cleaning filter drum filters to 50ì Clean coolant is returned to the coolant tank. Chips are discharged from the upper and lower conveyor Subject to modifications / MF2/MF3_EN / 06-09 We support every product we sell with replacement parts, and both field and factory service. We provide this expert...
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Spindle extension SE 880
2 Pages
3 Pages
Turbo MF 2
4 Pages
4 Pages
Sprint 545
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages