Solar Energy And Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod


Catalog excerpts

Solar Energy And Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod - 1

URUN BiLGi FORMU / DATA SHEET GUNE§ ENERjiLi ve BLUETOOTH KONTROLLU AKTiF PARATONER SiSTEMi Solar Energy And Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod URUN KODU Order Code (*) Liva Gune§ Enerjili ve Bluetooth Kontrollu Aktif Paratoner set halinde satilmaktadir. Set igerisinde bulunan malzemelerin listesi a§agida verilmi§tir. (*) Liva Solar Powered and Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod is sold in a set. The list of materials in the set is given below. Not: Diger paratoner ba§liklarimiz da talep halinde Bluetooth Kontrollu olarak imal edilebilmektedir. Note: Our other lightning rods can also be manufactured with Bluetooth Control upon request. e-mail :

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