

Catalog excerpts

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LINSINGER the best solution... r/a Rail milling train SF06-FFS Plus Rail milling train SF03-FFS Rail Milling and Grinding Technology Individual application of all LINSINGER rail milling vehicles for main line tracks, high speed lines, metros and private railways as well as for switches, crossings, turnouts and tunnels. Applications: Reprofiling of the rail head in single pass processing - For main line tracks and switches - Removal of martensite - Preventive Service and Maintenance - Noise reduction in sensitive areas - Gauge correction - Processing of high speed lines - Removal of rail...

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...for all fields of application! LINSINGER Rail milling train SF02T-FS Rail-Road-Truck SF02-FS Truck Stationary rail head milling machine SKF02-FS worn Features: - Finishing in one working pass - Individual material removal from 0.1 up to 3mm - Green delivery, no emission of milling chips and grinding dust - No flying sparks - no risk of fire - Applicable in sensitive areas - Dry processing, no need of water - No dismantling of electrical track equipment - Operational all-season - High processing accuracy - Gentle material treatment - Recycle-able chips Cross-over from worn to optimum rail...

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LINSINGER RAIL TECHNOLOG Rail milling train SF06-FFS Plus The best for large workload projects Features: Processing Lspeedupto 20 m/win ■ Continuous opration through system autonomy ■ Equipment according to need and requirement ■ Support trailer with office space and social area ■ High transfer speeds ■ Modular configuration ■ Capacity for extension ■ Cabin to cabin gangway ■ Integrated office space and social area ■ Customer specific design and arrangements

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SF06-FFS Plus driver's cab 2 living zone chip container suction devices technique room tool room aggregate room driver's cab 1 processing units

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RAIL TECHNOLOGY r/a _ Rail milling train SF03-FFS Universally applicable, customer-specific vehicle design Features: - DB approved with permissions - High performance - Continuous operation through system autonomy - Most suitable for high speed lines - High planning reliability - Customer specific design and configuration - Equipment according to need and requirement - Modular configuration

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LINSINGER Rail milling train SF02T-FS The best solution for metros and smaller workloads Features: - Small clearance diagram - Tight curves drivable - Low axle load - Dust and spark free rail processing - No additional track cleaning works - Customer specific design - Equipment according to need and requirement - Modular configuration - Gauge convertible

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ACHIEVEMENT With Prcision and Speed to Success 1956 first rail milling tests Work permit by DB AG for SF03 on railway lines up to 160 km/h Prototype of mobile rail milling

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ALWAYS ON TOP... LINSINGER 4 vehicle types successfully in operation Delivery of 1st rail milling train of new gnration -»■.*.■. CHALLENGE Only the Best take on Extraordinary Challenges

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LINSINGER ALWAYS ON TOP... Holiday Rgion Traunsee, Photographer K. M. Westermann LINSINGER Austria - located closely at the motorway between Linz and Salzburg, in the beautiful Salzkammergut! LINSINGER Maschinenbau Gesellschaft m.b.H. A-4662 Steyrermuehl, Dr. Linsinger-Str. 24 Tel. +43 7613 8840, Fax +43 7613 8840-951 www.linsinger.com E-Mail: maschinenbau@linsinger.com

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All LINSINGER catalogs and technical brochures

  1. TUBE

    11 Pages

  2. Blech

    4 Pages

  3. Linsinger

    28 Pages

  4. ship

    8 Pages