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LIGHT CONVERSION MODEL 800 (femtosecond version) PERFOMANCE SPECIFICATIONS TOPAS-C Model 800-fs is pumped by a fundamental harmonic of Ti:sapphire lasers and covers wavelength range from 1150 to 2600 nm. With optional frequency mixers this range can be extended from 189 nm to 20 microns. PUMP REQUIREMENTS Wavelength Pulse width (FWHM) Pulse energy Maximum average power FEATURES Travelling wave dual crystal, two amplification stages configuration High output stability throughout the entire tuning range Energy conversion into the Polarization Spectral width Beam divergence Pulse front tilt Pulse contrast Energy instability Pulsewidth instability Spatial profile Intensity modulation Beam divergence Beam pointing instability 770- 830 nm 25 to 200 fs 0.1 to 3 mJ 5 Watt horizontal <1.3 times transform limit M2<1.5 <10% of pulsewidth <5% of output energy in background <2% peak-to-peak <2% pulse-to-pulse Gaussian <15% <1.2 x (diffraction limit) <0.1 x (diffraction limit) parametric radiation ~30-35% PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS WITH 800nm/1 mJ/ 100 fs PUMP PULSES AT 1kHz Angular tuning limited by crystal transparency range only OUTPUT FROM TOPAS Output pulse up to 2 times shorter Tuning range (signal+idler) Energy (signal+idler) than pump pulse Pulse duration Polarization Upgradability for pump energy, Energy instability wavelength and pulse width 1150-2600 nm > 250 mJ at peak (0.7 to 1.0) x pump pulse width signal wave (1150-1600 nm) vertical idler wave (1600-2600 nm) horizontal <2% rms OUTPUT FROM OPTIONAL UV-VIS GENERATOR SH OF SIGNAL (SHS) & SH OF IDLER (SHI) Computer controlled operation Tuning range Pulse energy Optional frequency mixers

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Tuning range Pulse energy MODEL 800 (femtosecond version) ACCESSORIES Frequency doubling and mixing Tuning range Pulse energy Deep-UV and mid-IR wavelength extensions Tuning range Pulse energy Wavelength separators Polarization control unit SH OF SFS & SH OF SFI Tuning range Pulse energy OUTPUT FROM OPTIONAL DEEP UV GENERATOR* PUMP+ (SH OF SFI), PUMP+(SH OF SFS) AND FHS Tuning range 189-200nm (pump+SH of SFS) 200-218nm (pump+SH of SFI) 218-267nm (pump+FHS) Pulse energy Polarization Pulse duration with options vertical above (0.7 to 1.0) x pump pulse width OUTPUT FROM OPTIONAL...

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LIGHT CONVERSION MODEL 800 (femtosecond version) PERFOMANCE DATA TOPAS-C Model 800-fs is pumped by a fundamental harmonic of Ti:sapphire lasers and covers wavelength range from 1150 to 2600 nm. With optional frequency mixers this range can be extended from 189 nm to 20 microns. PUMP REQUIREMENTS Wavelength Pulse width (FWHM) Pulse energy Maximum average power Polarization Spectral width Beam divergence Pulse front tilt Pulse contrast Energy instability Pulsewidth instability Spatial profile Intensity modulation Beam divergence Beam pointing instability 770- 830 nm 25 to 200 fs 0.1 to 3 mJ 5...

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PERFOMANCE DATA Signal Autocorrelations and SHS Spectra MODEL 800 (femtosecond version) Typical output performance of TOPAS-C pumped with 0.5mJ, 792nm, 135fs pulses (Quantronix-4800). Note: TBP value is given with respect to TBP of transform limited pulse

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All Light Conversion catalogs and technical brochures


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Archived catalogs

  1. Topas

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  2. TiPA

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  5. TOPAS-White

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