Catalog excerpts

PROPEL OPTIONS For Hydraulic Gantry Systems PROPEL CYLINDERS Propel Cylinders are the most cost effective method to propel a hydraulic gantry system. A hydraulic cylinder positively connects the hydraulic gantry leg to the runway track and movement is achieved by extending or retracting the cylinder. Great for fine adjustment and final placement. PIN ON (PLANETARY) DRIVES Pin On Drives are a great way to add continuous drive capabilities to hydraulic gantry systems. A simple plug and play attachment, the drives pin to existing attachment points on the gantry leg and simply plug into the existing auxiliary hydraulic ports already on the gantry system. Ratchet lift feature for free wheel mode and while lifting the load. High traction rubber wheels driven by a hydraulic motor continuously propel the gantry system down the runway track. Recommended for Hydraulic Gantry System Models 44A, 43A, 42A, 4160 and lesser capacities. Suitability depends upon intended application.
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INTEGRAL DRIVES 500 TON (125 ton per dolly) CONTINUOUS POWER SYSTEM Integral Drives are definitely the simplest, most user friendly method of propelling a hydraulic gantry system along runway track. The drive is integral to the wheels on one end of the hydraulic gantry leg, and driven by a hydraulic motor located inside the gantry leg. A simple shift lever on the leg, or in the case of systems equipped with the CARL Computer Control System, the push of a button activates the drives. For gantry systems with 4 axles per leg, both axles on the end with the drive system are powered. This option...
Open the catalog to page 2All LIFT SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
Universal Risers
2 Pages
Track Stands
2 Pages
Lift Links
2 Pages
Level Lift System
1 Pages
Rotation Station
2 Pages
Side Shift Systems
2 Pages
CARL for Power Towers
6 Pages
TWL075 - 75 ton Twinlift
7 Pages
MBL110 - 110 ton Mobilift
9 Pages
MBL033 - 33 ton Mobilift
8 Pages
Hoist & Haul System
2 Pages
Mobile Line
74 Pages