Catalog excerpts

Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Brief descrip on This electrically isolated USB to RS485 converter is designed for industrial use and it makes a half-duplex Rs485 connec on. With its metal housing this converter is highly recommended for factory environment, but it is also suitable for any other installa ons. Features · Optical isolated · Input over voltage protec on · Short circuit protection · USB 2 compatible · Virtual comport · Visual indicator LED for RX -TX · Supply voltage from the USB · FTDI chip · Wall mountable aluminium case · Plug and Play · 2500 VDC isolation Lueta Nr. 319, Romania +40758576007 office@levtech.ro www.
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Descrip on This converter is powered through the USB plug and no external power supply is required. The power source is also isolated using an AIMTEC DC/DC converter, which ensures 3000V DC isola on. Indica on LED lights for TX and RX clearly indicates when data is transmi ng, which is a great help during troubleshoo ng and also you can see when the converter is turned on and working. A er connec ng the converter to the PC, the driver will be automa cally installed and a virtual COM port will appear which acts the same as a serial COM port interface. In...
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Supply voltage
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Lueta Nr. 319, Romania +40758576007 office@levtech.ro www.levtech.ro Found a new serial port: COM
Open the catalog to page 4All Levtech Service Production SRL catalogs and technical brochures
5 Pages
Galvanic 0-10V isolator
3 Pages