Catalog excerpts

Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL HIDRO TRANS LSP-TCT Conduc vity and temperature transmi er for industrial applica ons Brief descrip on The LSP-TCT conduc vity transmi er is designed to measure the conduc vity, resis vity and temperature of the liquids with the corresponding sensor. This instrument is suitable for high-purity water monitoring and water treatment applica ons as reverse osmosis or ion exchanger. With its DIN rail mountable housing, easy to install into industrial environments. For advanced usage, a configura on so ware is provided to configure the conduc vity meter op ons. Features · Conduc vity, resis vity and temperature measurement. · Configurable signal output for the conduc vity (0 -20mA; 4-20mA; 0-24mA; 0-10V). · Configurable signal output for the temperature (0 -20mA; 4-20mA; 0-24mA; 0-10V). · Switching digital output Relay ( Switching point is configurable through setup program). · Cyclical self calibra on. · Linear temperature compensa on. · Electrically isolated input, output and supply. · DIN rail moun ng. · Compensa on of the cable capacity. · Calibra on of the cell constant. Lueta Nr. 319, Romania +40758576007 office@levtec
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Specification Inputs Conduc vity sensor input (Analog) Analog output of the measured conduc vity Compa ble: any 2-wire electroly c conduc vity cells with the cell constants 0.01; 0.1; 10 The recommended conduc vity sensor is the provided one with the transmi er. Cable capacity compensa on Capacity of the cable can affect the measuring, this error can be adjusted with the cable compensa on func on of the transmi er. A/D converter Resolu on 16 bit Input ranges Conduc vity: 0 to 2000 mS/cm Resis vity: 0 to 10 MΩ Accuracy 0 to 200 µS/cm ±0.02 µS/cm 0 to 2000...
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Calibrations Calibration of the cell constant Every electroly c conduc vity cell has a constant (provided by the manufacture). This constant can be manually entered into the calibra on sec on, using the setup so ware or it can be calculated automa cally. The automa c calibra on of the cell constant is essen al periodically, due to the deposits or wear of the cells. Automa c calibra on for the high precision measuring is recommended even with the brand new cells because the cell constant can be differ from the nominal value due to the manufacturing...
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Levtech Service & Prodtuction SRL Connections Cable capacity compensation button 1 Green Cell Blue Red Temp Yelow Lueta Nr. 319, Romania +40758576007 office@levtech.ro www.levtech.ro
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Terminal assignment Terminal number
Open the catalog to page 5All Levtech Service Production SRL catalogs and technical brochures
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Galvanic 0-10V isolator
3 Pages