LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output
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LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output - 1

level developments LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output Features • Dual axis measurement, range : ±45° • Solid state MEMS sensor • RS232 and TTL level UART full duplex communica tion • Low cost (<£15 for 1 kpcs) • Zero offset position can be easily programmed and stored • Programmable frequency response between 0.125 and 32Hz • On board temperature sensor • Small size, 25.4 x 25.4 x 5mm • PV Solar tracker control systems • Platform levelling and monitoring • GPS compensation • Platform scales and weigh bridge levelling • Agricultural and industrial vehicle tilt monitoring • Telescopic and scissor lift platform monitoring • Can be readily customised to suit most applications Description The LCP-45 is a low cost dual axis inclinometer sensor supplied in a PCB format for mounting onto 0.1” PCB headers. It has a digital interface with a full duplex RS232 output as well as a TTL level (3.3V) UART for connection directly to a micro-controller serial port. A housed version with cable is also available (part number LCH-45). These devices are manufactured and calibrated in our UK factory to guarantee performance to the stated specification. Specifications Parameter Level Developments Ltd. Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2DN t : +44 (0)20 8684 1400 97-99 Gloucester Road United Kingdom f : +44 (0)20 8684 1422

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LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output - 2

LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 OutputDimension Drawing Axis Direction and Mounting Orientation Mounted on Horizontal Surface Level Developments Ltd. Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2DN t : +44 (0)20 8684 1400 97-99 Gloucester Road United Kingdom f : +44 (0)20 8684 1422

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LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output - 3

The LCP-45 is designed to be mounted in the horizontal plane using two 6 pin 0.1” headers onto another PCB. Alternatively it can be clamped or bonded in place with a header for connection. The connection details are shown below. The power can be supplied either to Connector 2 (3.3V) or to Connector 1 (5-15V). DO NOT CONNECT POWER TO BOTH SUPPLIES AT THE SAME TIME The products are type approved to in accordance with the following directive(s): EMC Directive 2004/108/EC And it has been designed, manufactured and tested to the following specifications: BS EN61326-1:2006 Electrical equipment...

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LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output - 4

level developments LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 OutputControl Command Set Data is transmitted and received over RS232 in full duplex mode. The default configuration is with the baud rate set to 38.4kbps, with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. All commands are lower case and 7 bytes long. The time between each character of the command must be less than 100ms otherwise the device will discard the command. The settings are all stored in non volatile memory. Level Developments Ltd. Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2DN t : +44 (0)20 8684 1400 97-99...

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LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 Output - 5

level developments LCP-45 : Dual Axis Inclinometer, ±45° range, RS232 OutputSoftware A free Windows based application for reading angle, logging and device configuration is available from our website. It requires Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 or Windows 8, and works with 32 and 64 bit systems. It also requires the .net framework V3.5 or higher, and will prompt you to download and install this from Microsoft if it is not already installed on your system. A COM port is also required, and can either be a built in COM port, or a USB to Serial COM port. The basic features are shown below: •...

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