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Short form catalogue lightning and surge protection 2016
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Remarks Incidentally our terms and conditions for delivery and payment are valid, read on www.leutron.de Modifications, errata and errors excepted. © Leutron GmbH, 1st. Edition 03/2016 Leutron GmbH · Humboldtstrasse 30/32 · 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen · Germany · phone +49 711 94771-0 · www.leutron
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Surge protection for power supply systems Lightning current arrester class 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPD type 3 for AC power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combined arrester type 1 + 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPD type 1 + 2 for DC power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combined arrester type 1 + 2 + 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPD type 2 for DC power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPD type 2 for AC power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One-piece SPD for high...
Open the catalog to page 3
Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Lightning current arrester class 1 / CT series CT-T1/3+1 Lightning current discharge arrester with rare-gas-filled spark gap for the use in three-phase TT and TN-S systems. They provide extremely high discharge cappabilities with at the same time very low protection levels and they also do not need any damageable internal or external electronic trigger. Lightning current discharge arrester with rare-gas-filled spark gap for the use in single-phase TT and TN systems.. They provide extremely high discharge cappabilities with at the...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Lightning current arrester class 1 / PowerPro series PowerPro B TNS Multi-pole lightning current arrester type 1 (class I) for 3-phase TN-S systems. The arresters can be installed at the transition 0A to 1 accord-ing to the lightning protection zones concept. The SPDs of the series PowerPro B feature a high thermal re-sistance and an outstanding discharge capability for light-ning impulse currents of 50 kA (10/350 µs) per pole. Therefore, they can be applied according to DIN EN 62305 (VDE 0185-305). Multi-pole lightning current...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Multi-pole lightning current arrester for 1-phase TT systems. Lightning current arrester for wind energy applications for lightning protection equipotential bonding in 690 V IT systems. Optional remote signalling contact (FM) developed ceramic isolating spark gap New Optional remote signalling contact (FM) PowerPro B TT2+1 Multi-pole lightning current arrester for 2-phase TT systems. Optional remote signalling contact (FM) Product PowerPro B IT Multi-pole lightning current arrester for 3-phase IT systems. NEW: Only one remote signal...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Lightning current arrester class 1 / IsoPro series IsoPro B TNS Multi-pole lightning current arrester for the protection of low-voltage consumers’ installations in business and residential areas against surges caused by lightning or switching actions in the network. Multi-pole lightning current arrester type 1 (class I) for 3-phase TN-S systems. Multi-pole lightning current arrester for 1-phase TT systems. Rare-gas-filled spark gap, hermetically sealed leakage currents, thus, allowing installation upstream of power meters No Operates...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Combined arrester type 1 + 2 for AC / CT series CT-T1+2/3+1 Lightning current discharge arrester with rare-gas-filled spark gap and very low protection level < 1.5 kV for the use in three-phase TT and TN-S systems. They provide extremely high discharge cappabilities with at the same time very low protection levels and they also do not need any damageable internal or external electronic trigger. Lightning current discharge arrester with rare-gas-filled spark gap and very low protection level < 1.5 kV for the use in single-phase TT and...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Combined arrester type 1 + 2 for AC / PowerPro series PowerPro BC TNS Combined multi-pole arrester for 3-phase TN-S systems. Combined multi-pole arrester for 3-phase TT and TN-S systems. Class I+II (T1+T2) Combined Arresters NEW: Only one remote signal contact (FM) Optional remote signalling contact (FM) Remote signalling contakt: break contact Degree of protection according to IEC EN 60529: IP 20 Mounting on 35 mm DIN rail leakage currents, thus, allowing installation upstream of power meters No Class I+II (T1+T2) Combined Arresters...
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SURGE PROTECTION FOR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS K Combined multi-pole arrester for 1 -phase TN systems. For lightning-protection equipotential bonding in 400 V TN-C systems e. g. Wind generator protection. Class l+ll (71+T2) Combined Arresters NEW: Only one remote signal contact (FM) Optional remote signalling contact (FM) Remote signalling contakt: break contact No leakage currents, thus, allowing installation upstream of power meters Operates independently of atmospheric air pressure and ambient humidity Degree of protection according to IEC EN 60529: IP 20 Pin-shaped terminal to enable...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Combined arrester type 1 + 2 for AC / IsoPro series IsoPro BC TNS Combined multi-pole arrester for 3-phase TN-S systems. Die Ableiter sind nach dem Blitzschutzzonen-Konzept an den Schnittstellen 0A-2 einsetzbar. Mehrpoliger KombiAbleiter für 3-phasige TT- und TNS-Systeme. Class I+II (T1+T2) Combined Arresters NEW: Only one remote signal contact (FM) Optional remote signalling contact (FM) Remote signalling contakt: break contact leakage currents, thus, allowing installation upstream of power meters No Degree of protection according...
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Surge protection for power supply systems AC power supply Combined arrester type 1 + 2 for AC / IsoPro pluggable IsoPro BC TN Combined multi-pole arrester for 1-phase TN systems. Single pole plugable combined lightning and surge arrester, for example for L/N-PE and PEN. Class I+II (T1+T2) Combined Arresters NEW: Only one remote signal contact (FM) Optional remote signalling contact (FM) Remote signalling contakt: break contact Degree of protection according to IEC EN 60529: IP 20 lightning impulse discharge current of 12.5 kA (10/350 µs) per pole High Optional remote signalling contact (FM)...
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220 Pages