Catalog excerpts

Location, Country, Year. Subject to modifications. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Order no.: English ??? ??? ∙ ??/11/???/???? ∙ Copyright © by Leica Microsystems ?????, Leica TCS SP8 – Confocal Platform
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“It is great if you can buy, with a small budget, a relatively standard microscope setup and if you need a special technique, you can upgrade it at a relatively low price.” “When you start with a microscope configuration for your application, you don’t know how the research will develop. Especially in imaging facilities, we need to be flexible. And this flexibility is what I really like about the system.” “I am very fond of the concept of modularity, because you don’t have to buy entirely new equipment every time you need additional capability.” Bram van de Broek Netherlands Cancer...
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Rat cortical neurons (prim. culture). Max. projection. Nuclei (Dapi, blue), Nestin (Cy2, green), DCX (Cy3, red), ßIII-tubulin (Cy5, white)
Open the catalog to page 4
THINK MODULAR: WHERE EFFECTIVENESS MEETS EFFICIENCY The Leica TCS SP8 is designed to meet all of your future requirements with effectiveness and efficiency. >> et exactly the microscope you need. G >> Never again compromise on speed, resolution and sensitivity. >> Preserve every precious photon. >> Ugrade your system with your growing needs.
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THE PLATFORM THAT IS READY FOR YOUR RESEARCH GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW AND UPGRADE WHENEVER NECESSARY. Expand your possibilities Do you know which direction your research will take in the future? From live cell to quantitative imaging, from super-sensitivity to super-resolution, from multiphoton to light sheet imaging – with the Leica TCS SP8 you can always expand your possibilities. Design your future We build on a modular concept: Tailor your microscope to your current needs and upgrade with additional functionalities at any time. Your investment in a Leica TCS SP8 will pay off – now and in...
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Leica TCS SP8 CARS: Label-free imaging Leica TCS SP8 SMD: Precision in single molecule detection Leica TCS SP8 DLS: The vertical turn in light sheet imaging Leica TCS SP8 MP: Discover greater depths with multiphoton imaging
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OPTIONS INSIDE Mouse testis. Synaptonemal complex (Alexa 488, green), Nuclei (DAPI, blue), Protein X (Cy3, red). Courtesy of Yu Katsuyama and Noriko Osumi, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan. 8
Open the catalog to page 8
THE LAS X SOFTWARE PLATFORM CAN BE PERSONALIZED TO YOUR WORK AND ASSISTS YOU IN PLANNING, EXECUTING, AND ANALYZING YOUR EXPERIMENTS. Explore and analyze Spend your time on your research while the Leica Application Suite X (LAS X) attends to microscope control. Its workflow-oriented design and intuitive software wizards guide you step by step through image acquisition, processing, and analysis. Tailor LAS X to your needs with additional software packages like 3D Visualization and Analysis, which allow you to understand the topology of your 3D image and quantify various aspects of...
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Paramecium aurelia. Epiplasmin (GFP, green), β-tubulin (Alexa 568, red) Courtesy of Anne Aubusson-Fleury, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Electron Bombardment Gain Avalanche Diode Avalanche Gain Principle of photomultiplier tube, which generates broad electrical pulses. Princple of hybrid detector, which results in sharp electrical pulses. Pulse Width
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ALL OPTICAL COMPONENTS OF THE LEICA TCS SP8 ARE MATCHED TO PRESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS SIGNAL FOR BRILLIANT IMAGES FULL OF CONTRAST. More details With the synergies of the multiband spectral detector, acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS), and super-sensitive Leica HyD hybrid detectors you get a confocal microscope with maximum photon efficiency and gapless spectral detection. The high signal-to-noise ratio of the Leica HyDs helps to render the finest details of any specimen. The superior sensitivity of the Leica TCS SP8 directly translates into less laser power and improved viability of live...
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LIVE CELL IMAGING Reliable results With a Leica TCS SP8, imaging of living specimens can have many facets. It gives you the freedom to conveniently perform any advanced live imaging method with reliable results. You can expect highest image fidelity and specimen viability from its light efficient detection and high speed scanning system. Bigger and deeper Thinking bigger and deeper the Leica TCS SP8 MP accommodates live organisms. At the opposite end of the scale you can study nanoscopic detail in live cells using STED super-resolution. Or follow embryonic development using gentle light...
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NIH3T3 cells transduced with five individual fluorescent protein (FP) vectors. FPs: Cerulean, EGFP, Venus, tdTomato and mCherry. Each FP was visible only in the cells transduced with the corresponding vector. AOBS fast line sequential scan with five excitations and five emission bands. No unmixing. Image courtesy of Daniela Malide, NIH Bethesda, MD USA MULTICOLOR IMAGING Spectral freedom Stop worrying about challenging multicolor experiments. Get the spectral freedom you need to image any kind of dye combination. Easily explore cell connectomics using Brainbow fluorescent proteins with the...
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BREAK THROUGH THE BARRIERS OF CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY AND STUDY CELL DYNAMICS AND STRUCTURES SMALLER THAN 200 NM. High-resolution imaging Confocal (left) vs. Hyvolution (right) Pushing the limits Pushing your confocal to its limits requires highly sensitive detection with low noise. The Leica TCS SP8 plus HyVolution combines super-sensitive HyD detectors, which reliably collect weak signals, with industry-leading Huygens deconvolution by SVI. This combination achieves resolution of 140 nm in a case study with DNA origamis and delivers crisp multicolor images, which convey every detail at high...
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Intensity Intensity Distance/nm Distance/nm High-resolution imaging with super-sensitive HyD detectors and Huygens deconvolution can resolve 140 nm in a case study with DNA origamis. Specimen: single molecule DNA-origamis with 140 nm defined spacing. (A) Confocal image. (B) HyVolution (C) Distance measured in B (green line). (D) Distribution of measured distances in nanometers.
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