Catalog excerpts

Leica M165 FC and M205 FA Discover entirely new worlds of research with the new Leica fluorescence stereomicroscopes
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Fluorescence microscopy techniques are critical for studying the functions within organisms in modern developmental, molecular, and cellular biology. Fluorescence microscopy gives researchers insight into a world normally hidden from sight. The structures within an organism and their dynamic processes can be specifically targeted with fluorescence dyes to render them visible at the sub cellular level, which helps researchers to better understand the molecular principles and complex relationships on which life itself is based. Science in the fields of cellular and developmental biology has...
Open the catalog to page 3
FusionOptics™: The Evolution of Resolution Leica Microsystems brings high resolution and depth of field together » Combines the highest possible resolution with Until now, high depth of field and maximum resolution were outstanding depth of field Largest zoom range in stereomicroscopy always considered to be irreconcilable opposites. With » A single microscope for preparation tasks and these limitations. Scientific studies conducted at the Institute of documentation The smallest details Neuroinformatics, a department of the ETH Zürich, confirm that » Discover details that were previously...
Open the catalog to page 4
The Art of Creating Brilliant Images Illuminate specimens with patented third beam path performance up to 1500 line pairs per mm is achieved while The Leica M205 FA and M165 FC stereomicroscopes feature retaining the exact focusing position. At the same time, the user can capture parallax-free z-stacks with maximum optical precision Leica Microsystems’ patented TripleBeam TripleBeam principle refers to the microscope’s third beam to obtain highly detailed 3-D information about the specimen. path, reserved exclusively for fluorescence illumination to deliver evenly illuminated, reflex-free...
Open the catalog to page 7
Leica M165 FC: Stereomicroscopy of the highest order Stereomicroscopy FusionOptics™ Zoom Zoom range Maximum magnification* Max. objective aperture ** With Leica Microsystems’ TripleBeam® technology, the Leica M165 FC Fluorescence Classic stereomicroscope documents the results of Object field *** research with brilliant, contrast-rich, fluorescence images. The 16.5:1 zoom optics are fully Working distance *** apochromatically-corrected to resolve structures down to 551nm: classic, manual, high-level TripleBeam® path With an encoded zoom, filter changer, iris dia- Complete automation phragm,...
Open the catalog to page 8
Leica Microsystems' unique combination of FusionOptics™ technology, TripleBeam® fluorescence, and an unprecedented level of microscope automation opens a new world of research with fluorescence stereomicroscopy. The fully apochromatically-corrected optics system; the largest zoom range available on the market, 20.5:1; and a resolution to 1050 line pairs per mm reveals a level of microscopic detail previously unknown in stereomicroscopy. Time-intensive studies of live organisms and the resulting documentation of complex image sequences and multiple fluorescence images are easy to execute and...
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Intelligent control The user is in complete control of the expe- Particularly in multi-user environments, an riment with just a few touches on the Leica adaptable microscope system is important for SmartTouch control unit. The convenient, color meeting a wide range research requirements. touchscreen allows the user to save and recall The modular Leica M-Series platform features all important optical parameters with a simple components and accessories work seamlessly touch command on the visual controller display. together. The researcher can configure a tailor- The most important functions...
Open the catalog to page 10
Flexible Solutions for all Research Needs Create the best spectral properties Leica Microsystems offers a wide range of The Leica EL6000 External Light source is equip- microscope fluorescence filters that can be ped with a long-life metal halide lamp, a cost- used with existing fluorescence filters to cre- effective, and timesaving alternative to mercury ate the best spectral properties of a specimen. vapor lamps. Since this lamp does not need The Leica M-Series filter changer can accom- adjustment, the user is assured of uniformly illu- modate up to four filter combinations (excitation...
Open the catalog to page 11
Unprecedented Performance Supreme performance for a broad range of research The Leica M-Series Stereomicroscopes com- solid base. The M-Series construction is extre- bine a large zoom range and high-resolution per- mely stable to effectively absorb impact and formance in a single system to enable a broad vibration to virtually eliminate impaired image range of research tasks with just one micro- quality, even when observing specimens in a scope. For example, the researcher can not only Obtain overview and detailed image acquisition in 1 step. A solid basis for research liquid medium....
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Fully-developed, Individuallytailored Solutions An automated, software-integrated M-Series Advanced software for fluorescence applications system provides unprecedented convenience Leica Microsystems has worked with leading and simplifies experimental procedures, even in scientists to develop Leica AF6000 Advanced complex fluorescence applications. From con- Fluorescence software to meet every possible trolling the microscope functions to capturing need in advanced life science applications. The and processing images to analyzing and mana- intuitive software guides the user reliably and...
Open the catalog to page 13
Highlights of the Leica M165 FC & M205 FA Never before seen: 3-D images of the highest resolution, brilliance, and depth of field • FusionOptics™, integrated on the M205FA, with one channel for high resolution and one channel for high depth of field, • create an image impression of unprecedented richness of detail and outstanding depth of field. Leica FusionOptics™ for never-before achieved depth of field and image brilliance. Largest zoom range on the market today • Leica M205 FA: 20.5:1 zoom makes a wide range of research techniques possible with just one microscope. Brilliant...
Open the catalog to page 14All Leica Microsystems GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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DVM6 Brochure en
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XL Stand
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LED5000 RL
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M320 F12 for ENT
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M620 TTS
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M220 F12
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DI C800
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M620 F20
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M844 F40 / F20
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Leica GLOW800
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Leica ARveo
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LAS X Steel Expert
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Leica Map
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Leica LAS X Life Science
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Leica EM ACE900
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Leica EM ACE200
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Leica EM AFS2
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Leica EM ICE
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Leica SP8 DIVE
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Leica K5
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Leica DFC295
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Leica DFC3000 G
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Leica EC4
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Leica DFC7000 T / DFC7000 GT
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Leica DFC9000
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Leica MZ10 F
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Leica M165 FC
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THUNDER Imager Tissue
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Leica FS M
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Leica FS C
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Leica FS CB
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Leica DM3000 / DM3000 LED
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Leica DM750
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Leica DM300
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Leica DM1750 M
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Leica FS4000 LED
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Leica DM2000 / DM2000 LED
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Leica DM1000 LED
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Leica DM4 B & DM6 B
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Leica DMC6200
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Leica DMC5400
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Leica Z6 APO
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Leica Z16 APO
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Leica DM12000 M
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Leica DM4 P, DM2700 P, DM750 P
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Leica EM ACE600
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Leica EM TRIM2
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Leica EM TIC 3X
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Leica EM TXP
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Leica DM2700 M
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DMi8 M / C / A
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Leica A60 S / Leica A60 F
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12 Pages
Leica StereoZoom line
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TCS SP8 Objective
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Leica DM3 XL
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Leica DMi8 S
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Leica M50/M60/M80
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Leica DM750 M
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Leica DM4 M/ DM6 M
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Leica A60 S/A60 F
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