

Catalog excerpts


How manufacturers are leveraging their 3D CAD data to lower costs, improve quality and accelerate timeto-market Lattice Technology provides an end-to-end solution from authoring to sharing of 3D-based product data for collaboration and technical documentation

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Executive Overview XVL solutions from Lattice Technology are for companies that have large, complex designs in 3D CAD and would like to increase their use of this data into downstream functions beyond product development; for instance, into manufacturing, technical documentation and service. There are two sides to XVL, the authoring of content directly from the 3D CAD models and the consumption (or usage) of this content. Authoring includes use cases for creating manufacturing Bills of Materials (mBOMs) to validating assembly processes to creating detailed interactive work instructions....

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Why XVL? XVL solutions can bring enormous benefits to the way your company leverages 3D CAD model data enabling simple and secure access to all stakeholders for authoring content, interrogation and viewing of 3D model data. Manage large 3D CAD files with ease Lattice Technology’s products enable manufacturers to convert files from any standard 3D CAD system of any size. Native CAD files from multiple systems can be converted into a single XVL file, which is an ultra-compressed, highly accurate format that reduces files to approximately 1% of their original CAD file size. Heterogeneous 3D...

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Easy and secure access All stakeholders can access the 3D models using a standard web browser and other options including Microsoft® Excel®, dynamic web pages, the Apple® iPad® and others. All viewing technology options are free for the consumer. Version control XVL Content Manager includes a vault that works directly with your CAD system/s and your PDM/PLM systems (if used). Content from multiple sources are gathered together here for access by all stakeholders downstream from product development. XVL manages the metadata (from the CAD, PDM, PLM and ERP system/s) and XVL Content Manager...

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Use Cases for XVL Share and collaborate Many companies try to leverage 3D CAD data across the entire enterprise using their 3D CAD system. XVL fills this need better than CAD for a variety of reasons; here are a few: 1) For complex designs, CAD files can be enormous, and it may be impossible to examine complete products in a CAD system because of file size. a. XVL model sizes are approximately 1% of the original CAD models 2) Using 3D CAD modeling programs requires a high-degree of training and expertise. a. XVL offers many options for accessing the 3D model data, from web browsers to...

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Product manufacturability can be visually tested in a digital environment, avoiding downstream—and potentially expensive—surprises and delays. Create assembly work instructions After the assembly process has been virtually planned and validated, this same information is directly leveraged to create the assembly work instructions that will be used on the shop floor. Interactive 3D part images are linked to parts in the parts list. The process instructions are written and attached to the part images and parts. These work instructions can be delivered in electronic 2D or interactive 3D. Author...

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In summary, XVL solutions from Lattice Technology enable the enterprise to make greater use of its 3D model data, regardless of the originating CAD systems. The use cases span multiple functional areas from manufacturing to service. The data is ultra-lightweight, which enables the entire finished product to be worked on at one time. Since XVL retains CAD-level accuracy, real work can be performed including use cases such as design review.

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Learn More Get the eBook: Using 3D Data to Improve Manufacturing Processes Learn how manufacturing companies are leveraging their 3D CAD model data beyond development in order to increase quality, productivity and profits. For a manufacturer to succeed in the global marketplace, it needs to use IT innovations such as XVL to develop optimized processes and implement these processes as standards throughout the organization. If you are responsible for optimizing your manufacturing processes, this eBook is for you. You will learn how leveraging your 3D models can provide big paybacks. - Chapter...

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