Fenderubber Catalog


Catalog excerpts

Fenderubber Catalog - 2

Uygun bir usturmaga sistemi nasil tasarlanir? Uygun bir usturmaga sistemi tasarimi ve uygulamasi hem gemi hem de kiyi yapilari ve de enerji prensipleri hakkinda bilgili olmayi gerektirir. Yanagma tipi, gemi gegidi, kiyi yapisi gibi birgok genel faktor usturmaga tasarimmi ve beklenen mekanik ozellikleri etkiler. Bunlara ek olarak usturmagalarin giineg igigina ve deniz suyuna maruz kalmasi, gibi daha belirli faktdrler de tasarim yapilirken dugunulmelidir. Ayrica tasarim yapilirken PIANC[1], B[2], [EAU] ve ROM[4] gibi uluslararasi ya da yerel uygulama yonetmeliklerinden de yardim...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 3

Konteyner Gemileri (Panamax) / Container Ships (Panamax) Konteyner Gemileri (Deri Panamax) / Container Ships (Post Panamax) LAS PAR Group surekli iyile§tirme ve geli§tirme politikasi benimsemektedir. LASPAR Group operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. laspargroup.com sales@laspar.com.tr Firmamiz iirunlerin dizayn ve ozelliklerinde veya literalurunde onceden haber vermeksizin degi§iklik yapma hakkim sakli lutar. We reserve the right to change design and specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature.

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Fenderubber Catalog - 4

water surface Burada, LOA: Tam boy LBP: Su hatti boyu B: Geniglik D: Su gekimi F: Fribord Where, LOA: Overall length of vessel LBP: Length between the perpendiculars B: Beam D: Draft F: Freeboard Side Berthing: This is the most typical berthing method with speeds between 150-300 mm/s and angles between 5-15’. Yan Yanagma: Bu gok tipik bir yana§ma metodu olup yana§ma hizi 150-300 mm/s arasinda ve yanagma agisi da 5-15 ’ arasinda degigir. End Berthing: Fenders are preferably not used for end berthing but in some cases when the berthing velocity is between 200-500 mm/s fenders are used for...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 5

Dolphin Berthing: Dolphin berthing is commonly used by oil and bulk carriers. Typical approaching speeds and angles vary between 100-250 mm/s and 5-15 ”, respectively. Yunus Yana§masi: Yunus yanagma metodu genellikle yakit ve yuksek hacik ta§iyilari tarafindan kullamlir. Tipik yanagma hizi 100-250 mm/s arasinda iken yanagma agisi da 5-15 ”arasindadir. Ship to Ship Berthing: Ship to ship berthing may happen in open water. Typical approach speeds and angles may vary between 150-300 mm/s and 5-15 ”, respectively Gemi-Gemi Yana§masr. Agik denizde meydana gelebilen bir yanagma geklidir. Tipik...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 6

Yana§ma Hizi Berthing Velocity Berthing velocity depends upon many factors like whether the dock is exposed to open water or not, size of the vessels, weather conditions, etc. Berthing velocity conditions are divided into 5 categories depending on how difficult the berthing is. i Easy berthing, closed to open water ii Difficult berthing, exposed to open water iii Easy berthing, exposed to open water iv Good berthing, exposed to open water v Difficult berthing, exposed to open water Berthing velocity of vessels would be determined by Brolsma table but to find a specific value the...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 7

Enerji Katsayilari Correction Coefficients Added Mass Coefficient (CM): When a vessel moves towards the dock, it brings a certain amount of water with it which results in an increase in the actual mass of vessel. Therefore this coefficient should be applied to encounter the effect of extra water moving together with the vessel. It can be calculated by two different formulas; Vasco Costa Method and Shigeru Ueda Method given in the followings, respectively. Eklenmig Agirlik Katsayisi (CM): Eger yuzer bir yapi bir kiyi yapisina dogru hareket ederse kendiyle beraber belirli miktarda bir suyu da...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 8

Eq.8 K2 + (ft2 cos(y )) K2 +R2 Eq.8 Or simply, the eccentricity coefficient can be estimated using either the following table or formula. Ya da basitge, eksentriklik katsayisi ya a§agidaki formul ya da tablo kullamlarak da hesaplanabilir. However, Eq.9 and above table should be used with a special care, especially when the approach angle (J is more than 10“ eccentricity coefficient may become incorrect. Fakat 9. denklem ve yukaridaki tablo dikkatlice kullanilmalidir, ozellikle yana§ma agisi (J 10°'den buyuk ise hesaplanan eksantriklik katsayisi yanli§ olabilir. LASPAR Group sOrekli...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 9

Berth Configuration Coefficient (CC): When a vessel approaches dock, a certain amount of water is encapsulated between the dock structure and vessel. This amount of water creates a damping effect for the vessel. In order to take this into consideration, berth configuration coefficient is used. This coefficient depends on the structure of dock and can be divided into three groups: Yana§ma Konfigurasyonu Katsayisi (CC): Bir yuzer yapi herhangi bir kiyi yapisina yanagirken kiyi yapisi ile yuzer yapi arasinda bir miktar su sikigir. Bu su miktari yuzer yapi igin bir sonum etkisi yaratir. Bu...

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Fenderubber Catalog - 10

Berthing energy (E) After calculating all necessary and applicable coefficients, one can easily calculate the normal berthing energy (EN) using the following formulas. Yana§ma Enerjisi (E) Turn gerekli ve uygulanabilir katsayilar hesaplandiktan sonra normal yanagma enerjisi (EN) agagidaki formuller kullamlarak hesaplanabilir. Denoting the extreme energy by EE, the following formula should be used to find the design input to select or design a fender system. Anormal yanagma enerjisi EE ile gosterilirse, usturmaga sitemi tasarimi veya segimi igin girdi agagidaki formul ile bulunabilir. To...

Open the catalog to page 10
Fenderubber Catalog - 11

Final remarks on how to read graphs and tables given in catalogue There are two different presentations of performance values (i.e. reaction force and energy) for fenders given in this catalogue. The first one is individual presentation meaning that each size of fender has an individual energy and reaction force as a function of percent deformation. For example, fender L300-50ShA (LMT-0619-00) gives approximately a reaction force of 90 kN and an energy of 3.5 kNm at a deformation of 30%. The second type of presentation is given by a set of graph(s) and table. In the table design...

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