Catalog excerpts

Incremental Rotary Encoders Due to the continuously high demand for the replacement parts of these encoders, we decided to modernize these encoders, as well as, to increase the end-use properties and particularly the device reliability. The principal disadvantage of the older models is the obsolete, mainly electronic component base (up to 20-year-old). For this reason, the longterm functionality may not be guaranteed any more. The innovated types feature the current electronics of the IRC3x5 series with a LED light source covered by the IRC120 and 125 case. Some other divisions (pulses per revolution) are not available with this new line. For more details, see the information below. The resistor 47R/0.6W is connected to the connector pins Z, Ž (the bulb power supply) to simulate the bulb current. If the evaluation system does not include this function, there is no need to connect these pins. Type Designation Technical Parameters Power Supply Max. Self Consumption NON-STANDARD VERSION OUTLET KA – axial connector VS24B11 (IRC120) KB - radial connector VS24B11 (IRC125) Output Signal NUMBER OF IMPULSES PER REVOLUTION 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 1024, 1250, 2500, 5000 with one zero pulse per revolution (other divisions will be communicated upon inquiry) MECHANICAL VERSION 0 – external shaft Ř 5 mm 5 - external shaft Ř 8 mm Max. Load of Output Channels Output Frequency Max. speed Protection Weight Working temperature Dimensioned drawing Dimensioned Sketches Output signals IRC120 and 125 2 basic signals (1,2) moved by 90° electric, 1 zero impulse (3) and their negation. For frequecies higher than 100kHz zero pulse is not quaranteed. *For more information do not hesitate to contact us. Technical parameters are subject to change. Change of technical parameters reserved LARM a.s., Triumf 413, 384 11 Netolice, ČR Tel.:+420 388 386 211, Fax:+420 388 386 212, e-mail: odby
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