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Development of Integral Package Barrier Property Testing


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Development of Integral Package Barrier Property Testing - 1

LabthinkInstruments Co.,L TD 144 Wuyingshan Road, Jinan, China Tel: +86-531-85811021 85864214 Fax: +86-531-85812140 E-mail: Development of Integral Package Barrier Property Testing Abstract: The varied shapes of packages are one of the obstacles for their integral barrier property testing. With the development of barrier property testing technology, the technique for integral package barrier property testing has also made great progress with various kinds of testable packages. This article makes a detailed introduction of the development of integral package barrier property testing and relevant testing cases. Key Words: package, transmission rate, pouches, blister, differential pressure method In the past, barrier property testing was only for films, which has brought great inconvenience to end package manufacturers and users. Most raw materials they bought could make barrier property testing, but the finished packages, owing to the lack of testing techniques, would bring hidden dangers to end-product quality. The difficulty for testing lies in the varied shapes of packages. However, owing to the promotion of barrier property testing, integral package barrier property testing has made great progress with more kinds of testable packages. This article makes a detailed introduction on the development of integral package barrier property testing and relevant testing cases. 1. Introduction to Integral Package Barrier Property Testing Techniques Keeping certain shapes is the most basic characteristic for packages. Therefore, keeping the package intact is the first thing when testing. Secondly, the seal performance of testing instruments and sampling accessories should be guaranteed. Those two points are difficult to achieve for package testing, compared with film and sheet testing. 1.1 Equal Pressure Method Package Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Techniques The testing principles of equal pressure method oxygen transmission rate for both films and packages are similar. First, the preconditioned specimen separates the transmission chamber into two separate gas flow systems. Testing gas flows in one side of the package, such as pure oxygen or mixed gas with oxygen; high pure carrier gas flows in the other side. Though the gas pressure of two sides are the same, oxygen sub-pressures are different. Therefore, under the gradient of oxygen concentration, oxygen transmits through package and is carried to the sensor by the carrier gas. The sensor will measure the oxygen quantity in the carrier gas flow precisely, so as to work out the oxygen transmission rate of the tested package. If only specimen preparation issue can be effectively resolved, various packages are testable by this method. Testing subjects can be the integral package or a part of it, including various bottles, the connecting part of bottle cup and bottle body, bottle cup, capsule, blister, tube, injection, IV bags, flexible pipe and various ball-shape packages. Besides, the contents of tested packages can be in or not, so as to provide most reliable data for package evaluation in actual application and quality change of contents. At present, ASTM F 1307 is the only testing standard for equal pressure method, and is applicable for all packages that can produce dry spaces inside. Moreover, equal pressure method oxygen transmission rate testing techniques can also be used under humid circumstances, and can further provide an environment with certain humidity in or out side the package. 1.2 Differential Pressure Method Package Gas Transmission Rate Testing Technique Keeping the package shape intact is the main difficulty for differential pressure method package gas transmission rate testing. Owing to the pressure difference between the inner and outside of the package, the tested specimen might be destroyed by pressure difference without appropriate means to keep its shape, and result in

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Development of Integral Package Barrier Property Testing - 2

LabthinkInstruments Co.,L TD 144 Wuyingshan Road, Jinan, China Tel: +86-531-85811021 85864214 Fax: +86-531-85812140 E-mail: meaningless testing results, or even no testing data. At present, in the field of differential pressure method gas transmission rate testing research, Labthink has made breakthrough. At the same time, Labthink has successfully extended integral package gas transmission rate testing from oxygen alone to many common inorganic gases. However, there are not many kinds of subjects can be tested with this method. 1.3 Weighing Method Package Water Vapor...

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Development of Integral Package Barrier Property Testing - 3

LabthinkInstruments Co.,L TD 144 Wuyingshan Road, Jinan, China Tel: +86-531-85811021 85864214 Fax: +86-531-85812140 E-mail: seal pouches after filling distilled water inside should also be considered, which increase the difficulty in actual operation. 2.2 Blisters Blisters are usually of small volume. Therefore, they can only be tested by equal pressure method or sensor method. Furthermore, the specimen preparation can only be accomplished with customized accessories. Meanwhile, the adjustment of flowing speed during testing process should also be cautious so as to avoid...

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