Catalog excerpts

Description : Gas Chromatography MGC-1A is equipped programme with a temperature range of 5 C Ionization Detector (FID) with high sensitivity synchronous external trigger function and workstation software at the same time. with a 9 phase 10 platform temperature to 400 C. Features an APC controlled Flame for a range of analyses. Built-in provision for external trigger starts the equipment and Specifications : Sample injector temperature range Power supply Gross weight Features : LCD display indicating temperature , gas flow and heating curve Synchronous external trigger function and external...
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Optional Accessories: Accessory No Chromatographic Column Standard Accessories: Accessory No Capillary Injection System Chromatography workstation software Oven Specifications: Temperature range Temperature accuracy Temperature programme Temperature heating rate
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Detector Specifications: Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector ( FID ) Logarithmic amplifier High voltage switch control Baseline signal display Ignition coil control Detection limit : ? 3 x 10-12 g/s ( Sample : n-hexadecane ) Dynamic range : 107 Thermal Conductivity Detector ( TCD ) ( Optional ) Bridge voltage switch control Bridge current setting : 0 to 220 mA Sensitivity : 6000 mv.ml/mg Dynamic range : 105
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