Catalog excerpts

Technical Datasheet Radial Sample Distribution RTTA 2-Axis Rotarytelescopic extension) (Rotary & Source Shutters RTTA 2-Axis Key Advantages The 2-axis RTTA provides 360o rotation and 760mm linear extension within an ultra-compact footprint. »» Less than 1mm deflection at full extension under 10N load Less than 1mm deflection at full arm extension with 10N load, linear reproducibility of <0.1mm and rotational reproducibility of <0.2mRad. »» Rotational reproducability to less than 0.2mRad »» Linear reproducability to less than 0.1mm Motorization options available. The RTTA has been designed to provide an alternative to traditional radial distribution sample transfer devices. The unique patent pending mechanism provides unrivelled extension and exceptional linear and rotary reproducibilty for the minimum system footprint. A high torque MagiDrive (see section 1) provides an extremely stiff coupling for the radial motion (Axis 1) acheiving angular reproducibility of <0.2mRad. A secondary MagiDrive is used to drive the arm in and out of satelitte chambers with a linear reproducibility of <0.1mm when fully extended. Using high torque magnetically coupled drives to provide arm rotation and extension eliminates the use of bellows, differentially pumped or oil-sealed devices providing an inherently clean and robust operation. Specification Table MODEL Mounting Flange Min radial port size and clear bore required for assembly Min radial port flange size for arm Rotation motion Infinitite manual and +/-180° motorized Minimum chamber ID free height Arm stiffness at full extension Rotational reproducibility Bakeout temperature <1mm defelction for 10N load 0.2mm at full extension 250°C (with motors
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Magnetically coupled MagiDrive provides arm extension High torque magnetically coupled MagiDrive provides arm rotation Patent pending mechamism provides 760mm arm extension Axis 2 - Arm Extension RTTA Part Codes RTTA Part Number Stepper motorized Configured for motorization (supply own motor) UHV Design products are available exclusively in the US from: Kurt J.Lesker Company T: 412.387.9200 E: UHVproducts@lesker.com www.lesker.com UHV Design Ltd Judges House, Lewes Road, Laughton, East Sussex, BN8 6BN, UK T: +44(0)1323 811188 E:sales@uhvdesign.com www.uhvdesign.com
Open the catalog to page 2All Kurt J Lesker catalogs and technical brochures
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