Catalog excerpts

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Since its founding in 1925, KURODA Precision Industries Ltd. has continued to advance with the history of gauges in our country, and has been striving for improvement in the product quality and reliability. As a result, KURODA has successfully received the highest class evaluation as a pioneer of gauge manufacturer, such as an authority to indicate JIS "Grade 1" thread gauge mark for the first time in Japan and a production license for API gauges first time ever in the East. The importance of gauges has been recognized anew, because they play a significant role in quality control and...
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i/iSiSfip KURODA GAUGE LINEUPS Parallel thread gauges Taper thread gauges Gauges for electrode threads Gauge blocks Master gauges Plain limit gauges Taper gauges Test bars Serration gauges Spline gauges Premium connection gauges Thread measuring instruments Digital measuring instrument Mechanical comparator Three wires/four wires for screw thread measuring Ultra-precision machined parts Ultra-precision surface A set of SM-3DM consists of a measuring instrument and a counter. It does not include a personal computer, softw
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tdXjtf—V THREAD • KURODA manufactures all types of gauges with 1 mm to 500 mm. • Supports building a gauging system for the existing screw products processed by actual gauging. • Proposes gauge management compatible with ISO 9000 Series. • Provides reliable gauges based on its wide knowledge of many domestic and international standards and long years' experience. • Meets the following thread forms and other various thread forms. Triangular thread Round triangular thread Trapezoidal thread Electric bulb thread Square thread Buttress thread Right-angle buttress thread Minus angle thread...
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Limit Gauges for Threads This gauge is used to control the dimensional accuracy of threads and to assure the compatibility of threads. This gauge is used to inspect a threaded part by means of two threads (GO and NOT GO having dimensional differences) at the high limit and low limit of the predetermined dimensional accuracy of such threaded part. Therefore, it is called a limit gauge for threads. i£sEi§—#)fet/JH Types and symbols—For internal threads Gauges for traditional JIS gauge system Applies to those for metric threads grade 1 to grade 3, straight pipe threads PF and unified screw (GO...
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THREAD GAUGES i£sEi§—faXji'J'ztf tr—i^JH Types and symbols—For thread plug gauges Gauges for traditional JIS gauge system Applies to those for metric threads grade 1 to grade 3, straight pipe threads PF and unified screw Thread plug gauge to be Gauges for ISO gauge system Applies to those for metric threads, and straight pipe thread gauges. (Thread ring gauge for checking wear of GO side) [Thread ring gauge for checking wear [Thread ring gauge for checking wear (Thread ring gauge for checking wear of GO side) (Thread ring gauge for checking wear of NOT GO side) defined by KURODA Precision...
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HJOI£EEI§—3S?3L/ffl Types and symbols—For external threads Gauges for traditional JIS gauge system Applies to those for metric threads grade 1 to grade 3, straight pipe threads PF and unified screw Gauges for ISO gauge system Applies to those for metric threads, and straight pipe thread gauges. (GO thread ring gauge) (NOT GO thread ring gauge for inspection) (NOT GO thread ring gauge for working) (Limit snap gauge for inspection) (Limit snap gauge for working) (GO thread ring gauge) (NOT GO thread ring gauge) (Snap gauge for major diameter) (Ring gauge for major diameter) gauge system has...
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THREAD GAUGESI i£sEi§—fiiUU V^-T—i^JH Types and symbols—For thread ring gauges Gauges for traditional JIS gauge system Applies to those for metric threads grade 1 to grade 3, straight pipe threads PF and unified screw Thread ring gauge Gauges for ISO gauge system Applies to those for metric threads, and straight pipe thread gauges. [Thread plug gauge for checking fit of GO side) [Thread plug gauge for checking wear of GO side) (Thread plug gauge for checking fit (Thread plug gauge for checking fit (Thread plug gauge for checking wear (Thread plug gauge for checking wear (GO check plug for...
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(a:K-Kl!raD-±D^'-y©-tZ'> hfcSlrn^*) How to use main limit gauges for threads ©Gauges for ISO gauge system Applies to thread gauges for metric threads of ISO grade and straight pipe thread gauges (G). through by hand without difficulty. without difficulty and cannot be screwed in by more without difficulty, they cannot be screwed in by more ©Gauges for traditional J IS gauge system Applies to gauges for metric threads (grade 1 to grade 3), unified threads and straight pipe threads (PF). For detailed information, refer to the corresponding J IS. Forms of limit gauges for threads For the form...
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faijir—THREAD GAUGES System of limit gauges for metric threads and traceability system KURODA Precision Industries Ltd. has been supplying gauges of the highest-class quality since 1955. And these gauges are traceable with the national standard in terms of their length. Independent administrative agency : National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan Quality Assurance Organi; various tests and inspection Working standard Nationally recognized Wear check plug for GO thread ring gauge Periodic inspection GO thread ring gauge GO thread ring gauge NOT GO thread ring...
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WWtZblT—V Standard Usage note •When large diameter thread products are to be inspected or production quantity is small, standard thread gauges are cost-effective. However, they are not equal to limit gauges for threads from a quality control •Standard thread gauges are equivalent to (not the same as) the GO thread gauges of limit gauges for threads prescribed by JIS, and they are not provided with the function of NOT GO thread gauges. Therefore, if the fit of a product to the standard thread gauge is loose, it is necessary to measure the pitch diameter of the product, when •As the friction...
Open the catalog to page 11All Kuroda Jena Tec Holdings Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
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