Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB.


Catalog excerpts

Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 1

Energy n Water n Industry Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB.

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 2

2 Introduction Securing water extraction today and tomorrow. Reliable performance in long-term operation. Their applications are varied: provision of seawater for desalination systems, transport of cooling water in power stations and industrial plants, water extraction for flue gas desulphurisation, or water extraction and drainage in low-lift pumping stations. But the demands made on tubular casing pumps are invariably high. In long-term operation, they have to supply large amounts of water safely and reliably. Tailored to your needs. Our modular design system enables us to offer you...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 3

KSB - your partner for successful projects. As onc of rhc world's leading manufacturer* of pumps, valves and systems, KSB knows ihe ins and outs oi w.iier extraction. Drawing on more than 1.0 years of expΩrience, wc are cousiantly dcmonstraiing the t|ualiiy "f our technic.il solutions, also in the Held or water supply. Services we provide include performance and acceptance testing or pumps in our in-housc lest bays. As well as expertise in ail ihngs ..pumps". wc can also give you ail ihe assistance you need in planning your systein: Compte* lasks likc tha Cflll for clos* coopration, and wc...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 4

4 Application Reliable water extraction for a multitude of applications. 1 iibular casing pumps Iront KSB cusure a high level ut System availability: Dnnklng w*tet Seawater desalination A reliable supply ot safe drinking water is vital for ,irid rgions. Our tubular casing pumps arc used to pump up huge amounis ot warer from rhe sea which is tha turnea into onc of our mosi precious resourecs: drinking water. Surfer Cooling water circuits Power nations and industri鯠l Systems need large amounts ol Water to cool their processes: Flu# G« SUck Flue gas desulphurisation Coal-fircd power stations,...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 5

The right pump for every job. Our spcialisis sclcti ihc right rubul.ir cising pump for your job nom ihe hydraulit scteciion clurt. Hydraulk slection chart

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 6

Modular Design KSB tubular casing pumps. The modular design System for more efficiency. Tubular casing pumps from KSB arc modular in design. This mcans tha we can seleci thc hydraiilie system, design, matcrals, types of installation and control sysiem to exacily mcei your rcquircmcnis. And an optimally designed pump will reduce thc life cvclc cosis ni vont installation. Variants: pull-out or non-pull-out. KSB's tubular casing pumps can l>esupplied in iwo design variants. The pull-out design is casier to service and maﮮntain: During dismantling and rc-asscmhly, ihac cniirc rotor can bc...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 7

Hydraulic System: three diffrent impellers to choose from. We offer three types of impeller designcd (o meet the spcifie performance data erf your System, ["lie pump w驮U corne eqopped with the hydraulic System ro match your application, In addition, Ont casting quality standards arc exccptionally high. This cnahlcs us to guarantee a higli-grade surface finish and a high-precision geomeiry - prcremiisiies l'or a constanily high ellciency. Mon- pull oui type pump

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 8

Materials: rsistance characteristics are key. L'hoosing thc right matcrials ptays an important part in a system's conomie viability. Dcpcnding on thc ftuid pumped. matcrials may have 10 be r驩sistant to abrasion and corrosion. Seawater <= 35 *C Seawater 35'C-40*C Pump casing: Superduplex impeller: Superduplex Shaft: Superduplex

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 9

9 Installation options: four times as flexible. Tlic design of ilic im.ikc structure dicttes the design of the pump supplicd by KSB. Tubular casing pumps c.in be supplied for four diffrent types of installation. During the pre-projeci phase, our KSB specialists vv⩮ll help you work ont which of thse is best suited for your intake structure. Control: three options to boost efficiency. Pre-swirl control Controlliug the appro.ich llow to the impeller by means of pre-swirl control equipment is particularly suitable for applications involving significant variations of head in combination with a...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 11

11 Standard Intake Chambers The package An optimally designed intake structure plays a decisive part in reducing the life cycle costs of your plant. After all, only if intake structure and pump are a perfect match and both are ideally suited for the site conditions will the reliable operation of your system be secured in the long term. To make sure of this, KSB has devised the KSB Engineering Package in compliance with internationally accepted guidelines. Your benefits The intake structure configuration is optimal, if the pump gives the same reliable performance over a long period of...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 12

12 Components Extremely durable: Residur® ceramic bearings. KSB has more than twenty years’ experience of using Residur® ceramic bearings. Unlike conventional water- or grease-lubricated bearings, Residur® bearings are lubricated by the pumped fluid itself. This means they are maintenance-free and do not need additional coolants or lubricants. The bearings are chemically and mechanically resistant to all fluids and solid particles, and thus help maintain the constantly high pump efficiency. Residur® ceramic bearings play an important part in keeping life cycle costs down. Compared with...

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 15

15 PHZ Max. flow rate 18 m3/s Max. head 25 m Max. fluid temperature 40 °C Max. speed 980 rpm KSB tubular casing pumps at a glance. SNW PNW SEZ Max. flow rate * 22 m3/s Max. head * 50 m Max. fluid temperature 40 °C Max. speed 980 rpm SEZT PNZ Max. flow rate 2,0 m3/s Max. head 50 m Max. fluid temperature 60 °C Max. speed 980 rpm Max. flow rate 22 m3/s Max. head 100 m Max. fluid temperature 40 °C Max. speed 980 rpm Max. flow rate 2,5 m3/s Max. head 10 m Max. fluid temperature 60 °C Max. speed 980 rpm * Higher pump heads and flow rates on request. Max. flow rate 18 m3/s Max. head 15 m Max....

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Tubular Casing Pumps by KSB. - 16

More space for solutions. Energy Michael Schneider michael.schneider@ksb.com Tel. +49 (172) 720 82 95 Water and Industry Björn Behrends bjoern.behrends@ksb.com Tel. +49 (162) 420 07 22 KSB Aktiengesellschaft Johann-Klein-Straße 9 67227 Frankenthal (Germany) www.ksb.com 1471.02/5-10 / 10.09 / DAMM&BIERBAUM / © KSB Aktiengesellschaft 2009 Subject to technical modification without prior notice

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