Catalog excerpts

4, Kromel £egl Liflendirme Makinesi Fibrous Cheese Forming Machine Cali§ma Prensibi Salamura ve dinlendirmeden sonra alinan peynirin tel tel ayrilip ge$il peyniri formunu alabilmesi igin kullamlir. Dolum §ekli manuel olup, uruniin altli ustlu konveydr ile siki§tinlarak 8 mm ile 20 mm kalinligindaki hamuru tel tel ayri§tirarak, ge^il formunu almasim safjlar. Working Principle The rested cheese is taken from brining to get the best fibres form. The feeding is provided manually, the cheese dough which can be between 8mm-20mm thickness is compressed from top and bottom by conveyor. The cheese is forming by harrow Kalitenin Ba$ladi§i Yer Where Quality Begins Hijyenik Uretim Hizli ve Seri Urun i§leyebilme Ozelligi Du§uk Maliyette Uretim Olaragi Hygene For Production Fast & Serial Product Processing Low Cost Production
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Kalitenln Ba$ladigi Yer Where Quality Begins EleMrik Sarfiyab Electricity Consumption Hava Sarfiyati Air Consumption Diger Alternatifler / other Options ({ Kromel 9 Sakarya 1.Organize San. Bol. I.Yol No: 11 54580 Arifiye / SAKARYA / TURKiYE
Open the catalog to page 2All Kromel catalogs and technical brochures
Soft Cheese Production Lines
16 Pages