Catalog excerpts

KR-ORG Otomatik Orgu Makinesi Automatic Cheese Braided Machine Qali§ma Prensibi Hazirlanmig olan hamur makinenin Qrun giri§ haznesine aktarilir. Makinedeki helezon yardimiyla urun ileri dogru sGrGIGr ve makine Onundeki giki§ kalibinda Ozel mekanik §anziman yardimi ile istenilen Orgu §eklini alir. Makine OnGndeki konveyOre birakilan Orgu peyniri sogutularak ilerietilir ve istenilen ebatlarda kesim yapilir. Urun konveyfir OnUndeki sogutma havuzuna du§er ve paketlemeye hazir halde bekletilir. Avantajlari a) Hrzli GrCin i§leyebilme b) Stan dart GrGn yapabilme OzelNQi c) DU§Gk maliyette uretim olanagi d) Maksimum hijyen seviyesinde Gretim olanagi e) Gramaj hassasiyeti Working Principle Pre-prepared dough is feed into the machine. Product is pushed forward by the help of helicals and braided by mechanical system . Braided cheese is improved on the cooling conveyor and cut in requested length. Product is dropped into the cooling pool in front of the conveyor and kept ready for packing. Advantages a) Fast product processing c) Maximum hygene for production
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Designs That Make Difference Kalltenln Ba§ladigi Yer Where Quality Begins Teknik Veriler / Technical Data Kapaslte Capacity Yepyeni Bir Gelecek Get a Brand New Start 9 Sakarya 1.Organize San. Bol. I.Yol No: 11 54580 Arifiye / SAKARYA / TURKiYE
Open the catalog to page 2All Kromel catalogs and technical brochures
Soft Cheese Production Lines
16 Pages