Material Handling


Catalog excerpts

Material Handling - 1

KPI-JCI ASTEC COMFVXNIES MATE RI AL HAIMDLIIMG Portable Radial Stackers Extendable SuperStackers* Transfer Conveyors Feed Systems Complota Systems

Open the catalog to page 1
Material Handling - 2

PORTABLE RADIAL STACKERS Optanal quJck ictap fcaturc; provids maximum poriably. Hydroulic options atlow vnrb !o be powcrcd by otht* KPI-JCI quipaient. HiOvy~duty conjtrutfion -nsuruywriof troubl»-fr« op骩ration and hign ru solo valu High quality, off+he*ihelf component are readilv avoilable. <PIJ Portobl* Rodiol Slackng Cv*yc* offer « arailabJ* on th* marin Icday voifobl« Irt d;ft& pcrtncr soamlessly wlh ovr M l<n$ of pcrtoWc gn< bonding equipinenl Incredfcly $osy (o*el i»p, KP-JC /ou moving motenal m notim* i HtwHtaty Conitiuction l Eicei*nt Flenbilrtv GP FOLD FRAMf **»bbt oi norW WJ...

Open the catalog to page 2
Material Handling - 3

EXTENDABLE SUPERSTACKERS CopabJ* of creoting cvslcivshopd, partolly <x Mly desegrogcried *J<xkpJes to frt maxmvm materai m minimum spoce, ih* SuperSTaetaf*' certainly liv& up to ris nome The tfondord Com-Arm Imkage mairtfams o constant radius front lha ptvcf pJa箮e to th ode risorng a iru詴 radtol mov&nenT ond unint©rrupt©d slockpling Enhrjnc^your SuprSlacker's* p«r(c*monc© wilh ihe cf*ionol Wizord Toi>ch Avtcma&ed CcnlrcJ System. Oftering prefxcgromm^d perlcrmance ro me«l ony job's daily demand. Ophonal V/iiard Touoh iyrf»m onobU) production of noni+grogatod itockpil Crcotc; lorgcr ond...

Open the catalog to page 3
Material Handling - 4

SUPERSTACKER STOCKPILES 1h« KPIJCI Sup«r$lack<w tt destgned lo help custarter* meet maeastn^ly demonding rr>aWiaspcifications. 驀voiloble m various sczes, Ihe SuperSlacker gives produire the obJity lo stockpib "inspc* aggregote in larger pJet wilh smaller foolprtnh u*ing Mly aultmated PlC tchndogy xi fULLT DEStGREGATED STOCKPIU ^^«■rfio^fw» cna>v4* ol pW FRE驛UENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHATIS StOREOATION? Ttft *portftsa cl natanoj pifVb m* As a rj> ihjrtb, afv^Aofi bfcttct** a pvUv* tthanftit miUit<ird i i.-^H' bff i ol raho S*gmnc4*2t ■ » nc4 typtsilly an itu tf nW rahool m atonal u 11 ttnn 2 1...

Open the catalog to page 4
Material Handling - 5

TRAIMSFER COIMVEYORS KPIJQ hos engineered Ironsfer conveyrs idal f<x ail types of cpertfic*u Fer senumoMe cr iTvpii pcriabiliiy, KPI-JO Transflrie穙 Transler Cc*weyc*s are ihe idal sdulions ond ovotlotJe in skid mounf or dolly axl* continu roi ions Channel or lollice frome cwerland conv*y<x ore awloUe lo cover longer dislances, elim mafing Ihe need for had rrucks. Jvr $iockoble conveyccs cai pack up 鯮o40 t^* of conve/ng power m a single Iruckload, »erfecl for portable oprations a⩯v/ayt on ihe mwe Fer additional oivsie portabJiry, 3*pack onv^yors ar^ cndg<xed lo bo ow*d a\wy ci loads...

Open the catalog to page 5
Material Handling - 7

LOADING/UNLOADING OVERLAND TUNNELS TRIPPERS COMPLETE SYSTEMS FVovdng motoriol lo and Icfcing motariol away frcrn ywjr processing *quipmonl a producliw rai* r» «toi lo ycor profiobirty KFl JCI offert o sfreomlined d$&tgrt cl highly productive matertal hondling tytilmt Load and unbod raJccrs, trucks c** hpsondmowmow^loodscJmoW*3llhrvghcvtywr<pero1>on »i notrnie Ffocn npp^r sy^temi lo looding cr unbodmg, KPI-JCI ho* ihe nghl d^i^n, canp&ietfl*, tntfollaltcn ond support for ycur oppltcaiion.

Open the catalog to page 7
Material Handling - 8

YOUR MATERIAL HANDLING PARTNER KPI-JQ continues to leod tho inoWry wih lomorrow's technology design pi g and dcJtvering Ihe right equipmenl ond System* Icdoy to m fie application and production need? of tomorrow Frott concept lo produclion. weofferyou Ih^mosl experie*Ked team iniheaggregateand recyde industry, reody to moke your buying dcision simple and easy With o Worldwide producl support group, our dealers offer you reliabJe vafier-rhesole* apport fran ports lo repair And you cari counl on fasl rponse by Iralned techniciens, cnsurvig you maximum uplime for the hiohetf performance ond...

Open the catalog to page 8
Material Handling - 9

CONVEYORS, STACKERS, AND SYSTEMS KOLBERG-PIONEER. INC. 700 V&st21st Street Yanldon. SD 57078 USA 800.542.9311 605.665.9311 F 605.665.8858 JOHNSON CRUSHERS INTERNATIONAL 86470 Franklin Boulevard Eugne, OR 97405 USA 800.314.4656 541.736.1400 F 541.736.1424 * *w «*J «4 b* 蕩ufm+Aa*t wtm ɉ M »rJ iW «■> v «AfcJi p*>wi » p*t 4i» tav M iu»i |4te#eon^*r avank m*f l« kwi wn«J fi* ***-»*v» iyca 4* gw Bmd ^taji prodW I* a «j*^ *idy J«Jd *wIb by 4* h «I fc* «tphcAfv oעd. I sdJwMwl pjl«vnhg -t^fe* c**d son waoׯtcMA* siauc to change wro<xn noto t~ a/so/io

Open the catalog to page 9

All KPI-JCI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Feed Systems

    20 Pages

  2. Cone

    16 Pages

  3. Conveyors

    16 Pages

  4. Crushing

    16 Pages

  5. Combo screens

    12 Pages

  6. Screening

    12 Pages

  7. KODIAK plus

    4 Pages


    2 Pages

  9. Track Mount

    16 Pages

  10. Crushing

    20 Pages