Catalog excerpts

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VA C U U M PA C K A G I N G – T H E B E S T A N D M O S T G E N T L E M E T H O D F O R F O O D P R E S E RVAT I O N Your meals: at highest level always to the point. Your kitchen: perfectly planned and efficiently organized. You should certainly rely on our methods and techniques. By using innovative vacuuming techniques, you can fulfill all your kitchen equipment needs and give a lift up with the current trends and rearrange the design anytime with great flexibility. This can be done regardless of what your customers wish or which timeframe they require. Trust in our vacuum devices: from...
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PACKAGING OF S MA LL PORT IONS Purchased for instance a large product quantity of coffee ? No problem – to avoid aroma loss when storing coffee, spices or other products or in order to preserve meat, cheese, sausages, etc. – our vacuuming system helps you store your product in smaller portion or to your needs. MORE S TORAGE S PACE Food sealed in a vacuum bag provides an efficient solution for storage space e.g. in the refrigerator or in the cooling. By vacuumizing products the volume of such products is reduced so that less space is required compared to common storage boxes. NO T RA NS FER...
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C O O K I N G U N D E R VAC U U M – F O R H I G H E S T D E M A N D S IN THE PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN Sous-Vide, French for “under vacuum” also called cooking under vacuum – a touch of magic in its meaning. Fish, meat, vegetables or fruits: Everything is cooked to the point under vacuum at low temperature gently and absolutely without problems. Vacuum cooking sometimes, even during long hours isn’t witchcraft, but certainly the result of innovative ideas and research. To do so, we provide the optimum devices so you can deliver products of unmatched quality to your guests with aromas and...
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T E M P E R AT U R E S T E P S 200 g Ribeye Steak cooked under sous-vide. The steaks were cooked for 60 minutes in a vacuum at 54 to 75 degrees Celsius. Crust Well-done Rare – pink-roasted Raw Different cooking levels in one piece. Continuously perfect cooking. Medium rare VACUUM TYPE Veal rump Pork filet Beef tenderloin Lamb rack Rabbit Haunch of venison Duck breast Salmon Monkfish Cod with skin Jacobs shell Shrimps Cherry tomatoes Potatoes with shell Fennel Aspargus Artichoke Eggplant Apples Figs Pinapples Rhubarb Cooking bag / Shrink bag Cooking bag / Shrink bag Cooking bag / Shrink bag...
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COOKING UNDER VACUUM – THE CALCULATION OF PROFITABILITY The following calculation of probability issued by Hubertus Tzschirner will show you that Sous-Vide products are not only tastier and healthier but also more efficient for the user. STA RT I N G BA S I S F O R THE C AL C U L ATI ON • Fillet of beef as a whole cooked and sliced as medallions • Cooking loss when cooked in a common way: 20 – 25 % depending on the cooking method and temperature • Cooking loss at low-temperature cooking procedure in vacuum: 8 – 10 % • These values are reference values since each kind of meat is of different...
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C O O K I N G U N D E R VAC U U M – I S Q U I T E E A S Y Cooking under vacuum is simple. If you observe a few simple rules, choose high-quality products and raw materials as well as the right tools, you will achieve rapidly optimum results. Bring the raw product and the ingredients together into the vacuum bag and then vacuum it. Put the vacuumed product into a gourmet thermalizer and carefully cook it at low temperature. If you do not immediately serve the prepared meals after cooking you can cool them down and store them in a cool place. Cool down the goods after cooking within 90...
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GOURMET THERMALIZER The gourmet thermalizer was developed and optimized in close cooperation with experienced chefs for continuous operation in kitchens. INT WITH R FOOTPR • SMALLE UME L EQUAL VO PRICE STANDING ESIGN • OUT STYLISH D IAL PACT AND EC • COM DUE TO SP TO CLEAN • EASY HOUSING DISPLAY D BIGGER • NEW AN NS IONAL SIG ITH ADDIT W Compact and stylish Small footprint at large volumes (except: Sandra) Outstanding price performance ratio Easy to understand operating fields Professional operating instructions suited to the customers Designed for continuous operation Thermalizer is...
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• Round 30 % efficient energy saving compared to combi-steamer • Optimum heat distribution due to convective water circulation • High heating power by mean of the panel heating on the whole bottom of the tank thus it is possible to obtain a uniform temperature distribution in the whole tank, also if the separation grids (optional) are used • The thermalizer is easy to clean since there are no disturbing heating elements in the tank as well as due to the electro-polished tank • Serial dry running protection with automatic switch-off of the heating as soon as the required water level has...
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GOURMET THERMALIZER „MALIN“ – THE THERMALIZER FOR SOUS-VIDE OF LARGE QUANTITIES AND NUMBERS OF PIECES „Malin“ is the high end product for industrial kitchens, caterers, meat processing companies, food industry and specifically made to process considerable large pieces or suitable large food quantities individually packed. • Grid with lifting mechanism (2 pcs required for 600 Liter kettle version) • Cover grid (2 pcs required for 600 Liter kettle version) Electrically heated Manual water supply and drain Hot and cold water supply required Power connection with a plug of 63 amps required...
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ACCESSORIES FOR THE GOURMET THERMALIZERS We offer a wide range of usefull accessory, which helps you using your thermalizer. You would like to cook vacuumized goods at the same temperature and at the same time, but with different starting times or with different cooking times? Using the separation grid for the thermalizer it is possible to subdivide your bath and thus easily keep the bags having different cooking times apart. Perfect for the use in the à-la-carte business. Available for Julia and Melanie. Thanks to the weight of the covering grid you can keep your vacuum bags under water...
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