IC Cushion: BX50 Series
1 / 6Pages

Catalog excerpts

IC Cushion: BX50 Series - 1

The Forklift With Proven Ability. ™

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IC Cushion: BX50 Series - 2

TRUCK DATA NOTE: Most values shown in this publication are rounded. Therefore, direct conversion between metric and English or Imperial may be slightly different from those shown. The performance of machines is affected by the condition of the truck and how it is equipped, as well as the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications are critical or if your needs exceed the specifications shown here, discuss the proposed application with your authorized dealer. "Optional masts, attachments, longer load dimensions, and higher lifting heights may result in downrating of...

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IC Cushion: BX50 Series - 4

Maximum Fork Height in. (mm) Whee bose Mast Height Lowered Extended in. (mm) in. (mm) Lengihto Fork Foce KOMATSUProven Ability FEATURES SPECIAT ), E P A om p l i o nK 2 ' l o n d K 2 5 in d u skioe n g in e o l with h ig hto r q u e t lo w c t RPMs power ond fuelefficiency for )) Komfort drive-troin cushion mounis ond ZoneTM flootingstructure duol uses o m to th r s us pen s i o n m p o r t m e n to un ts iso lo te eo p e r o tofr o me n g in e n d co f loorv ib r o t i o n ) E Z lif t rM y d r o u l i S y s t e m i i h to n d e m u m pp r o vid e fo sto n d co n ko llobl e p s H c w lif t...

Open the catalog to page 4
IC Cushion: BX50 Series - 5

with oluminum rodioioris designed Thehigh-copocity tronsmispowershift Komotsu Torqflow single-speed, fi thermol tronsfer n ond i ntegrol l cool er oi on effi ci ent oppl i c oti ons . for ly si oni s speci fi coldesi gne d i ndus hi ol torqueconverler. (ECCS) EPA emissions siondords. for the tronsmission exceed Control Systems . System for to designollowseosyoccess the reservoir offer industriol engines high+orque These low-RPM, exceptionol requirements, reducedmoinienonce high fost emissions controls, occelerotion, performonce, o Thereore iwo enginefuelchoices: single-port LPG system or...

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IC Cushion: BX50 Series - 6

COMPARIMENI OPEMTOR iso co A unique o m f o rZ o n es u s p e n sio n m p o r tm e n t lo te s The engine o nd tr ons m i s s i onc on be eos i l y oc c es s ed for K t ond fromengine the operotorfrom the floor surfoce doily inspection without the use of ony tools. APPROVALS AND COMPLIANCE, ENVIRONMENIAT CONCERNS D esi gned moxi mum for recycl i ng e nd of l i fe,w i th ot for comfortond productivity. . Single- pie c e,ol l - s i eelengi ne c ov er ond s eoi s uppor i vibroiions, greoteroperotor speciolottention moteriols lo ond conslruction. for Counterweighl designed breokup during...

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