Capacitive pushbutto
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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches

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Kapazitive Einbautaster Capacitive Pushbuttons Vandalensichere Einbautaster wie die Serien MAV sind seit Jahren weit verbreitet aufgrund ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit nicht nur gegen Schmutz und Feuchte, sondern auch gegen mechanische Einwirkung – wir sprechen hier von Vandalismus. Typische Einsatzgebiete sind Kiosklösungen, Verkaufsautomaten oder Bedienterminals im öffentlichen Bereich, Alarm- und Rufknöpfe usw. Antivandal pushbutton switches such as our MAV series have been quite popular for several years now due to their resistance not only against dirt and moisture but also against...

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INDEX page CTK x 02 B1 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M22x1 5 CTK x 02 B2 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M19x1 6 CTK x 02 B3 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M16x1 7

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Specifications: Contact rating: Contact resistance: Insulation resistance: Dielectric strength: Operating temperature: Electrical life: Material: Terminals: Construction: Mounting: 5 to 30 V DC, 1500 mA <10 mQ >10 MQ 2000V, 50Hz for the duration of 1 minute -40 °C to +85 °C minimum 1 000 000 operations Stainless steel or aluminum AWG22 wire or terminals brass/silver plated IP 68 sealed IK 10 single-hole mounting, panel thickness 0.7 to 10 mm CTK-series Ordering code: Switch function: [01 off - (on) H on - (off) H on - off [04 off - on [05 on - (on) [06 on - on Rating: H 200 mA H 1.5 A H 50...

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches CTK x 02 B1 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M22x1

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CTK x 02 B2 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M19x1 PANEL CUT-OUT 19.1 Panel thickness: 0.7 -10.0

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches CTK x 02 B3 Wy R-z illuminated ring, thread M16x1

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches CTK x 02 B1 Wy C-z

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches CTK x 02 B2 Wy C-z illuminated dot, thread M19x1

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches CTK x 02 B3 Wy C-z

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Capacitive Pushbutton Switches knitter-switch elektrotechnische erzeugnisse · Knitter & Co. KG Hong Kong B9-10, 1/F, Block B, Proficient Industrial Centre 6 W a n g K w u n R o a d , K o w l o o n B a y, K o w l o o n P h o n e : + 8 5 2 2 3 1 1 8 7 9 9 · Fa x : + 8 5 2 2 3 1 1 8 7 3 9 E-Mail: ·

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