Catalog excerpts
Summary of Basic Types Horizontal mounting position zLYjaiafflssiaaa Vertical mounting position
Open the catalog to page 1Summary of Basic Types
Open the catalog to page 2Key to Symbols Characteristic Features W. 3595i f, W$mj£«g (345) W.55 9ffi f, tfTisefcaflMeit aaws < 348) f, = i s, (349) i i. fciwea tt is ISsJ^sblt ni i&AJtiS (rpm) n: K]ill¥Q)£ (rpm) P, fiSKlttgl* P,:A p<;n ft&HfftSM&a*. p« wn&ftwmo p,,, fitt&ftisnfta*. Bm-wrtEsSfraift p„ m&mw&mw tkw) Key to Symbols f, Factor for driven machine (tabic 1 ). Page 8 f. Factor for prime mover (tabic 2). Page 9 f, Peak torque factor (table 3 ). Page 9 f4Thermal factors (table 4 ). Page 9 f5Thermal factors (table 5 ). Page 9 fx Oil supply factor for vertical gear units (table8 page 9 ). For horizontal gear...
Open the catalog to page 3itmism Guidelines for the Selectin l. ffl)£W$feffi3538 Determination of gear unit type and size EEMJhIS Guidelines for the selectionCalculation Example 2. )}Jt J53ML llltt*#: utta W'J'H'fibsaiacfifc: ffifflttd,: ft*** Se'frWl Known oriteria: PRIME MOVER Electric motor: Motor speed: Max.starting torque: DRIVER MACHINE Belt conveyor: Speed: Duty: Starts per hurs: Operating cycle Perhour: Ambient temperature: Installation in a large hull: Altitude: GEAR UNIT DESIGN Bevel-helical gear unit Mounting position: Output shaft d. Direction of rotation of output shaft d2 P,=90k\v ni=1500rpm TA=850N.m...
Open the catalog to page 4Service Factors Service Factors l<\ r.fl^L^&fi/Tablc 1 Factor for driven machine fi table 2 Factor for prime mo f2 table3 peak torque factor f3 i<4 table 4 thermal factor (gear units without auxiliary cooling or with fan) tabU-5 thermal factor (for cooling with cooling coil or with fan and coolincoil) *8 re=i.o "’amMmm re=i.o5 tubleS oil supply factor for vertical gear units, for horizontal gear units f8=1.0 and in case of forced lubrication f8=l.05 gear unit type
Open the catalog to page 5Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WHI Sizes 3-19 i&yim £§!WH1 81*8 3-11 Thermal Capacities Type WHI Sizes 3-11 &ffc#J,fcP2N(K\V)fH&f&iilHgilH!Tis(KN.m)/Nominal power ratings P;s(kw) and output torque ftfilItlfft/Rcar unit sizes 3-19 *m mat pck(k W) mmmwm pcMKxximmmmmw * On request Pca(KW) Gear units without au
Open the catalog to page 6$iWH1 *11813-19 Thermal Capacities Type WH1 Sizes 13-19 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH2 Sizes 4-15 iftflj^PGdcw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) Pga(KW) Pga(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pcb(KVV) WifeW’i’Ii'/f^^lWlil Pcb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Wifeffi'Ui1l*J Pgc(KVV) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pcd(KW) {ft$fe$1{frfrii|l&&fll|AjPgd(KVV) Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil £ fttJj 'f* Pis( K W )fll & ft'.JSi ill III S |T:n( K N .m)/ Nom i ii j I power rulings Pix(kw) and output torque T2\(KN.m) W$fe?tiMC,tft/gear unit sizes 4-15
Open the catalog to page 7WHV£5iJiIEi§$S*I i*§ ^MWH2 16-26 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH2 Sizes 16-26 %%}WH2 «» 4-9 Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 4-9 &ffc#j4*P*N(K\Vjf|l&ft;$ft,,llflL8jT2N(KN.m)/Nominal power ratings P’N(kw) and output torqueTis(KN.m) WSSifliftilft/gear unit sizes 16-26 |Forced lubrication ruquired &-fM-PG(kw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) * m mm p«h(kw) Mrawrfttym'u pcMKWimrmmvmm'mtmw * On request Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pc;b(K\V) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pci>(KW)Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil
Open the catalog to page 8Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 10-15 Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 16-22 ^JM'PCKkw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) ffiflrffPOfkw)/ Thermal capacities PG(itw) 9 ttiff JVJtt P<;b(KW) W&OT'MlMWl * On request P<;A(K\V)Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pub(KVV) Gear units with fan P<;c(K\V) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pcd(KVV) Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil Pca(KW) Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling PcB(KW)Wifeffi{|VftiJlMUiJ Pcb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Pcc(KW)Gear units
Open the catalog to page 9W H V ^ 5'J il ^ $fe H %m\NH35-15 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH3 Sizes 5-15 16-26 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH3 Sizes 16-26 &ft‘«*M!I>:N<K\V)ftli>fr&,MtfllJliT2\< power ratings P:\(kw> and oulpul torqueTjN(KN.m) WifeflWfft/gear unit si/.cs 15-15 ■ ■ Forced lub rication ruquired
Open the catalog to page 10Thermal Capacities Type WH3 Sizes 5-10 Thermal Capacities Type WH3 Sizes 11-16 *MM'PGtkw)/ 1 hernial capacities PG(kw) * mivjwtt pca< k w»vt & m P«;«c K W) toSi liV ft#1 w m p«d(KW) * mmm pca( k w»to & si *«fii«jft aw & Pcb(KW) WSfeMiftimUl peci k w > to & w1*1 vrom fit ft p«a,( K vv) Pi ife Si\\i ft ill K iiJUl l*J Yi ft ill fit if * On request Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pc;b(K\V) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW)Gcar units with built-in cooling coil Pci>(KW)Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil * On request P<;A(KW)Gear units without auxiliary cooling P<;b(K\V) Gear...
Open the catalog to page 11Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH4 Sizes 7-16 Thermal capacities l’CKkwT
Open the catalog to page 12Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH4 Sizes 17-26 Thermal Capacities Type WH4 Sizes 7-26 iVft'-*/l;i“P2N(K\V)ftliVfi;55jJlilll8iT2\«KN.m)/Nominal power ratings PjN(kw) and output torqueT2\(KN.nt> Wife SlWfft/gcar unit sizes 17-2f.
Open the catalog to page 13MWV2 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV2 Sizes 4-18 mvjm WV2 «»4-11 Thermal Capacities Type WV2 Sizes 4-11 )&f)j:f*1*(» (k w»/ Thermal capacities PGtkw) Pca(KW) P<;.\(KW) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pgb(KW) to&M$-£|IW& Pgb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Pgc(KW) Gear units with huilt-in cooling coil Pgd(KW) Pgd(KW) Gear units with fan and huilt-in cooling coil |Forced lubricat
Open the catalog to page 14Thermal Capacities Type WV2 Sizes 12-18 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 4-11
Open the catalog to page 15Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 12-19 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 20-26
Open the catalog to page 16All Kngear catalogs and technical brochures
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