WHV Series Universal Gearbox


Catalog excerpts

WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 1

Summary of Basic Types Horizontal mounting position zLYjaiafflssiaaa Vertical mounting position

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 2

Summary of Basic Types

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 3

Key to Symbols Characteristic Features W. 3595i f, W$mj£«g (345) W.55 9ffi f, tfTisefcaflMeit aaws < 348) f, = i s, (349) i i. fciwea tt is ISsJ^sblt ni i&AJtiS (rpm) n: K]ill¥Q)£ (rpm) P, fiSKlttgl* P,:A p<;n ft&HfftSM&a*. p« wn&ftwmo p,,, fitt&ftisnfta*. Bm-wrtEsSfraift p„ m&mw&mw tkw) Key to Symbols f, Factor for driven machine (tabic 1 ). Page 8 f. Factor for prime mover (tabic 2). Page 9 f, Peak torque factor (table 3 ). Page 9 f4Thermal factors (table 4 ). Page 9 f5Thermal factors (table 5 ). Page 9 fx Oil supply factor for vertical gear units (table8 page 9 ). For horizontal gear...

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 4

itmism Guidelines for the Selectin l. ffl)£W$feffi3538 Determination of gear unit type and size EEMJhIS Guidelines for the selectionCalculation Example 2. )}Jt J53ML llltt*#: utta W'J'H'fibsaiacfifc: ffifflttd,: ft*** Se'frWl Known oriteria: PRIME MOVER Electric motor: Motor speed: Max.starting torque: DRIVER MACHINE Belt conveyor: Speed: Duty: Starts per hurs: Operating cycle Perhour: Ambient temperature: Installation in a large hull: Altitude: GEAR UNIT DESIGN Bevel-helical gear unit Mounting position: Output shaft d. Direction of rotation of output shaft d2 P,=90k\v ni=1500rpm TA=850N.m...

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 5

Service Factors Service Factors l<\ r.fl^L^&fi/Tablc 1 Factor for driven machine fi table 2 Factor for prime mo f2 table3 peak torque factor f3 i<4 table 4 thermal factor (gear units without auxiliary cooling or with fan) tabU-5 thermal factor (for cooling with cooling coil or with fan and coolincoil) *8 re=i.o "’amMmm re=i.o5 tubleS oil supply factor for vertical gear units, for horizontal gear units f8=1.0 and in case of forced lubrication f8=l.05 gear unit type

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 6

Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WHI Sizes 3-19 i&yim £§!WH1 81*8 3-11 Thermal Capacities Type WHI Sizes 3-11 &ffc#J,fcP2N(K\V)fH&f&iilHgilH!Tis(KN.m)/Nominal power ratings P;s(kw) and output torque TzstKN.in) ftfilItlfft/Rcar unit sizes 3-19 *m mat pck(k W) mmmwm pcMKxximmmmmw * On request Pca(KW) Gear units without au

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 7

$iWH1 *11813-19 Thermal Capacities Type WH1 Sizes 13-19 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH2 Sizes 4-15 iftflj^PGdcw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) Pga(KW) Pga(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pcb(KVV) WifeW’i’Ii'/f^^lWlil Pcb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Wifeffi'Ui1l*J Pgc(KVV) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pcd(KW) {ft$fe$1{frfrii|l&&fll|AjPgd(KVV) Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil £ fttJj 'f* Pis( K W )fll & ft'.JSi ill III S |T:n( K N .m)/ Nom i ii j I power rulings Pix(kw) and output torque T2\(KN.m) W$fe?tiMC,tft/gear unit sizes 4-15

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 8

WHV£5iJiIEi§$S*I i*§ ^MWH2 16-26 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH2 Sizes 16-26 %%}WH2 «» 4-9 Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 4-9 &ffc#j4*P*N(K\Vjf|l&ft;$ft,,llflL8jT2N(KN.m)/Nominal power ratings P’N(kw) and output torqueTis(KN.m) WSSifliftilft/gear unit sizes 16-26 |Forced lubrication ruquired &-fM-PG(kw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) * m mm p«h(kw) Mrawrfttym'u pcMKWimrmmvmm'mtmw * On request Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pc;b(K\V) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pci>(KW)Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 9

Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 10-15 Thermal Capacities Type WH2 Sizes 16-22 ^JM'PCKkw)/Thermal capacities PG(kw) ffiflrffPOfkw)/ Thermal capacities PG(itw) 9 ttiff JVJtt P<;b(KW) W&OT'MlMWl * On request P<;A(K\V)Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pub(KVV) Gear units with fan P<;c(K\V) Gear units with built-in cooling coil Pcd(KVV) Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil Pca(KW) Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling PcB(KW)Wifeffi{|VftiJlMUiJ Pcb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Pcc(KW)Gear units

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 10

W H V ^ 5'J il ^ $fe H %m\NH35-15 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH3 Sizes 5-15 16-26 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH3 Sizes 16-26 &ft‘«*M!I>:N<K\V)ftli>fr&,MtfllJliT2\<KN.ni)/Nominal power ratings P:\(kw> and oulpul torqueTjN(KN.m) WifeflWfft/gear unit si/.cs 15-15 ■ ■ Forced lub rication ruquired

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 11

Thermal Capacities Type WH3 Sizes 5-10 Thermal Capacities Type WH3 Sizes 11-16 *MM'PGtkw)/ 1 hernial capacities PG(kw) * mivjwtt pca< k w»vt & m P«;«c K W) toSi liV ft#1 w m p«d(KW) * mmm pca( k w»to & si *«fii«jft aw & Pcb(KW) WSfeMiftimUl peci k w > to & w1*1 vrom fit ft p«a,( K vv) Pi ife Si\\i ft ill K iiJUl l*J Yi ft ill fit if * On request Pca(KVV) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pc;b(K\V) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW)Gcar units with built-in cooling coil Pci>(KW)Gear units with fan and built-in cooling coil * On request P<;A(KW)Gear units without auxiliary cooling P<;b(K\V) Gear...

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 12

Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH4 Sizes 7-16 Thermal capacities l’CKkwT

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 13

Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WH4 Sizes 17-26 Thermal Capacities Type WH4 Sizes 7-26 iVft'-*/l;i“P2N(K\V)ftliVfi;55jJlilll8iT2\«KN.m)/Nominal power ratings PjN(kw) and output torqueT2\(KN.nt> Wife SlWfft/gcar unit sizes 17-2f.

Open the catalog to page 13
WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 14

MWV2 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV2 Sizes 4-18 mvjm WV2 «»4-11 Thermal Capacities Type WV2 Sizes 4-11 )&f)j:f*1*(» (k w»/ Thermal capacities PGtkw) Pca(KW) P<;.\(KW) Gear units without auxiliary cooling Pgb(KW) to&M$-£|IW& Pgb(KW) Gear units with fan Pcc(KW) Pgc(KW) Gear units with huilt-in cooling coil Pgd(KW) Pgd(KW) Gear units with fan and huilt-in cooling coil |Forced lubricat

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 15

Thermal Capacities Type WV2 Sizes 12-18 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 4-11

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WHV Series Universal Gearbox - 16

Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 12-19 Nominal Power Rating and Output Torque Type WV3 Sizes 20-26

Open the catalog to page 16

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