Catalog excerpts
Jiangsu Haoke Transmission Polytron Technologies Co.,Ltd Haoke Transmission Contents Brief Introduction irmjimm Gearbox For the Open-type Mixing Mills Gearbox For the Extruder & Calender s] f* m Pi bti; «?* pdp'w 'J, *** e£ aj 9^nDn?§T The Company reserves the right to update the product manual, Live updates for product manuals have been issued are out of our responsibility. If you need the latest version, please contact us. Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 1THE GEARBOX FOR RUBBER MACHINERY GEARBOX FOR THE SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER Gearbox For the Single Screw Extruder Rubber Machinery Production Introduction aftt/uesa, git&?aii*i$j5f$a£xmiixft. £;#$> ;$A> m-fi, Mi*6*5 (ISOI328-1995) W±, «fipx£ itt*K 1$ The main gearbox for Rubber is developed and designed on the basis of fully absorbing foreign advanced technology, combined with the experience and characteristics of the company. It uses parallel cylindrical gear or bevel gear for transmission, drive by the motor, and transmits the power to the working machine after reduction by the gearbox. Gears...
Open the catalog to page 2GEARBOX FOR THE SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER GEARBOX FOR THE SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER ik s*®±naa» ilk iv,I , Face runout; II , Face seam allowance runout;III, Low-speed shaft runout; IV, Radial replacement of low-speed shaft. Size Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 3GEARBOX FOR THE SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER GEARBOX FOR THE SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER Contour Installation Size Carrying capacity The data in sheet has taken the safety coefficient and application factor of rubber extruder into account. ISfl«»®5f^^I'bIfi*6WP»S*It. l.The fuel charge is for reference. The accurate value is subject to the amount when oil surface is in the middle of oil mark. 2.Contour size is for reference. We keep the right to make modification in the future. Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission 10
Open the catalog to page 4GEARBOX FOX THE INTERNAL MIXER GEARBOX FOX THE INTERNAL MIXER mm* «m± i®. «ii$i*$£pTi!. mmmmmmm^ mm. The main gearbox, namely closed type rubber refining machine (for short Internal batch Mixer) is a kind of high precision, heavy duty and tooth-flank hardened product matched for main gearbox. For this gearbox, we adopt paralleled cylindrical gear to perform speed reducing. Through flexible coupling, the input shaft is connected to the motor shaft. Drove by the motor, reduced by parallel shafts and the gears between two output shafts and power dividing. The power now has been transmitted to...
Open the catalog to page 5GEARBOX FOX THE INTERNAL MIXER GEARBOX FOX THE INTERNAL MIXER Note: 1. Power 500/250 indicates that the gearbox uses mechanical transmission; 2. Power 2*900 indicates there are two motors. Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 6GEARBOX FOX THE INTERNAL MIXER GEARBOX FOX THE OPEN-TYPE MIXING MILLS Gearbox For the Open-type Mixing Mills The main gearbox, namely Open-type mixing mill is a kind of high precision, heavy duty and tooth-flank hardened product matched for main gearbox. For this gearbox, we adopt paralleled cylindrical gear to perform speed reduction, the input shaft is connected to the motor shaft through the flexible pin coupling. Driven by the motor, reduced by parallel shafts and power dividing between the two output shafts, two output shafts transfer the power to the rotor shaft of the roller mixing...
Open the catalog to page 7GEARBOX FOX THE OPEN-TYPE MIXING MILLS GEARBOX FOX THE OPEN-TYPE MIXING MILLS Product index Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 9GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER Gearbox For the Extruder & Calender mmumm (am) e. zmmmm m$-%), s^-sttswi&Attas* mmm® awmstj &&&%&&, #»jiiatm&$fe&iSN cbm) aiAttS3¥i±««ias^*«iKS, <£*£> sfibta-sftm (cm) Mm/imsii (dm) waiA«iS3$i±««is^fe«i«s, ga=&¥*r8ii§ tB$f iHn2, The main gearbox, namely the bipyramid twin screw extruding and sheeting machine group (for short Extruding & Sheeting Machine) is a kind of high precision, heavy duty and tooth-flank hardened product matched for the downside assistant machine of the internal batch mixer, which is comprised of...
Open the catalog to page 10GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 11GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER Product index Haoke Transmission
Open the catalog to page 12GEARBOX FOX THE EXTRUDER & CALENDER Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission 28
Open the catalog to page 13: — 20°C~ + 50°C mmit: 85% WT • mi£inm%mw%mio tomm*g ^ w $mm wmwj& ±^o • T'Wmmm* 2. &»$ fti&gMsJe^&flgJjS. latl«T|ii ii5®J5§j5nKft. •i«)»±^w®artSwa*iiii^wttse56sis5^iT^ffii^. HN 1. e s (&«8) WTO. • 4gftBmic£ftfts, sesaisiit^iass, #aicgftg fifco • £ftltf££TO£&Wfel&, P£#AnW;±iU WSft«fe, SftfL^ftMWftSftSIS^'Sft®, &Si1IffliiSft8&*PlSftfL ®1 SS**ffl MlifflTffiSPiamTIlftWiSftfLSft, TOttfcfflffsaj tga±iJ^±m*teft?LSft. ^RTffifflSft«^?pSft7L5i5jeft 5RiJ#Bft*WflfeJ8, ^TO£$^l£AJH£^i£&fl£ SI. 2. ii$U • -SftSJSffltTnJlSWS^. • vm. 1immm* 1) • is«asartjwjg. ™wTOo ^;isn. mm*. • ^tBlJS&SmirojxL IftM,...
Open the catalog to page 142. ssttti&mg mb Gwmv&a. m*. ®i£> A^asas# tnsf. mb &a> Mi.> • mmwMmmimT'%mm.»sMMo mb ^pts^isaao A° • T'wm&mmwi&izm$±- ^iss, ^sw, 3s mm 7k¥w±fts±. 15J: n&±, SfiUs«®gi^7K3iSfiiiigg»^-i*. mmmmmmmw • i?E®$tliS;f®±ffl7KTO^IE7K¥. 7K¥Jt^im*±0.0Wrn. ±ma*Mk (K> mn&m, *tmm. •&iE7k¥Js, m&wjtzmi&rftjt*, mmmzfom't'jjfaMmto Haoke Transmission Haoke Transmission
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