Group: KNF
Catalog excerpts

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Aggressive and explosive liquids and gases Safe to handle with chemically resistant and explosion-proof diaphragm pumps – also available in an ATEX-compliant design. Valuable and hazardous processing media Extremely safe to transfer or recover for processes using double diaphragm pumps. Hot process gases Can be transferred at temperatures of up to 240 °C without any unwanted loss of temperature using heated and heat-resistant diaphragm pumps. Analysis of process gases Sample gas pumps for valid mobile/ stationary process gas analysis – ideal for integrating into test equipment. OUR PUMPS...
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AGGRESSIVE AND EXPLOSIVE LIQUIDS AND GASES. CHEMICALLY RESISTANT / EXPLOSION-PROOF DIAPHRAGM PUMPS. Pump head can be adapted in compliance with ATEX Adaptable Wide selection of pump head and diaphragm materials for ensuring pumps meet the requirements of the processing medium. High gas tightness All pump heads are equipped with a high degree of gas tightness as standard but this can be increased on request. Motor can be adapted in compliance with ATEX N 87 TTE shown above is one type out of the comprehensive range of chemically resistant/explosion-proof diaphragm pumps by KNF . Flow rate...
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VALUABLE AND HAZARDOUS PROCESSING MEDIA. DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM PUMPS. Diaphragm monitoring The optional diaphragm monitoring system provides information on the status of the working diaphragm. Extremely safe The inclusion of a safety diaphragm in addition to the working diaphragm prevents gas from escaping in the event of a fracture. Fast suction speed The consistently high suction speed, including in the low vacuum range, creates the perfect environment for rapidly recovering valuable process gases. Corrosion resistant Materials are tailored to even the most adverse operating conditions. N...
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HOT PROCESS GASES. TEMPERATURE-RESISTANT / HEATED DIAPHRAGM PUMPS. Heat-resistant The pump head is capable of transferring hot process gases with temperatures of up to 240 °C. Flexible Pump head rotated by 180 degrees can be tted for safely evacuating condensate. Broad choice Three different designs for preventing the process gas from changing temperature are available. Parts kept separate Circular mounting ange makes it easy for the pump head to be tted separately from motor and pump housing, protecting the drive unit from high temperatures. N 024 shown above is one type out of the...
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MOBILE / STATIONARY PROCESS GAS ANALYSIS. SAMPLE GAS PUMPS FOR INTEGRATING INTO TEST EQUIPMENT. VACUUM PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS. Pump head and motor are kept apart Wide selection of materials Customized to the specic demands of the process gas. Precise transfer The required volume of sample gas is safely transferred, producing valid analysis results. High level of condensate compatibility NMP 850 shown above is one type out of the comprehensive range of sample gas pumps by KNF. Category Gas sampling pumps NEUTRAL AND SLIGHTLY AGGRESSIVE / CORROSIVE PROCESS GASES. Vacuum of up to 20 mbar Strong...
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SALES CENTERS Japan KNF Japan Co.Ltd. Tokyo 104-0033 Tel. +81 3 3551 7931 info@knf.co.jp www.knf.co.jp Benelux Netherlands KNF Verder B.V. NL-3451 GG Vleuten Tel. +31 30 677 92 40 info@knf-verder.nl www.knf-verder.nl Korea KNF Neuberger Ltd. 135-502, Seoul Tel. +82 2 959 0255 knf@knfkorea.com www.knfkorea.com Benelux Belgium and Luxemburg KNF Verder N.V. B-2630 Aartselaar Tel. +32 3 871 96 24 info@knf.be www.knf.be Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway KNF Neuberger AB SE-11743 Stockholm Tel. +46 8 744 51 13 info@knf.se www.knf.se China KNF Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Shanghai 201203 Tel....
Open the catalog to page 7All KNF catalogs and technical brochures
FF 12
4 Pages
FP 1.150
3 Pages
FP 70
4 Pages
SC 950
2 Pages
NF 60
4 Pages
NF 1.25
4 Pages
NF 1.5
4 Pages
FMM 20
3 Pages
Chiller C 900
2 Pages
Rotary Evaporator RC 600
3 Pages
Inkjet Brochure
5 Pages
Laboratory Brochure
17 Pages
Rotary Evaporator Brochure
9 Pages