Group: KNF
Catalog excerpts

FMM 20 DIAPHRAGM LIQUID PUMP WITH LINEAR DRIVE ADVANTAGES • Long lifetime • Adjustable dispense volume 5-17 µl • Medical diagnostics • Large flow range • Industrial dosing systems • Flow tight in both directions • Inkjet printing • High chemical resistance • Fuel cells • Self priming • Semi conductor industry • Quiet running • Water analysis Please visit our website www.knf.com to get more information. PERFORMANCE DATA Series model Material options Pump head Diaphragm Valves Nominal stroke volume (μl) Stroke volume calibration range (μl) Flow rate at 20 Hz (ml/min) Suction height (mWg) Pressure head (mWg) Permissible ambient air (ºC) Permissible liquid temperature (ºC) Weight (g) IP protection factor TT PVDF FFKM FFKM ELECTRICAL DATA Operating voltage (V) Max. permissible frequency (Hz) I load max. during impulse (A) Effective cont. current consumption at 20 Hz (A) Effective cont. power consumption at 20 Hz (W)
Open the catalog to page 1
FMM 20 DC-P PERFORMANCE DATA Series model Nominal stroke volume (μl) Pressure head Suction height CONTROL SIGNAL (IMPULSE) 6DXJ]HLW 6XFWLRQ WLPH 'UXFN]HLW ([KDXVW WLPH
Open the catalog to page 2
OPTIONS Description Hydraulic connections Details Internal threads, compression fittings, manifold etc. ACCESSORIES Description Details The pressure control valve can be used for a more accurate control of flow against a fluctuating back pressure, metering into a vacuum and from a pressurised system. Pulsation damper This very versatile pulsation damper reduces the vibration in hoses ans pipes and it helps to remove pulsation which ist preventing the system from functionning correctly. KNF filters protect both pumps and other upstream instrumentation and hydraulic circuits against...
Open the catalog to page 3All KNF catalogs and technical brochures
FF 12
4 Pages
FP 1.150
3 Pages
FP 70
4 Pages
SC 950
2 Pages
NF 60
4 Pages
NF 1.25
4 Pages
NF 1.5
4 Pages
Chiller C 900
2 Pages
Rotary Evaporator RC 600
3 Pages
Inkjet Brochure
5 Pages
Laboratory Brochure
17 Pages
Rotary Evaporator Brochure
9 Pages
Process Brochure
7 Pages