Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication


Catalog excerpts

Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 1

KLUBER LU BRIC ATION your globaJI y^rifet Dtartraintfct鯯rnhtairi We have a System for effective lubrication Klbermatic lubricant dispensers

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 2

tho nqht lubricant at the right point atthe right tirtw aulciniiitic: eubr» atjon with k berrnalic: your utimifilii .il ■» f)l*iric:«j I ho nqht notation for every application klulkimiititic NOVA kliibormntirsiahvahio klulmitnuitic STAR CONTROL TIME klutw»rmjit«: tlasis krts

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 3

The right lubricant at the right point at the right time Correctlubricationiswhatmatters In technica) Bqulpment. any contact betvwen matenals lika mtal or plastic causes friction and tends to induce wear Lubricants that arc taikx madc for ir>divk*jal compononts prcvont bcarings. gears or chains (rom wear damage or even tailure. Ihis is wtiat Kluber Lubrication spcialises in: the development of spocialrty lubricants for ail branches of industry. ail significant compononts and almost any tricky appfccatioa KluberLubrication驗thegloballyleadingcompanyforapecialitylubricants Wtether compononts...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 4

Automatic lubrication with Klubermatic your benefits at a glance Profrtability With uninterrupled production processus and retable maintenance intervais, production downtime is reduced to a minimum* Continuous, mantenance-free long term lubrication and a con-stantty high lubricant qualrty cnsuro high rnachric avatobiͯity, Tho permanent supply of fresh lubricant to tho friction point keeps friction low and Ihus helps lo reduce energy costs cons»derably. Safety Longer maintenance intervah means lhat the trequency ot main-tenante works and staff having to work wrthin dangerous areas is...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 5

The right solution for every application Food-processinq industry In the food processing mdustry, lubrication has an offert on food salety as well as on operating costs and produclrvity. Ktber Lubrication offers a comprehenarve range of synthetic h>gh performance lubncants for the food sectoc SeveraJ of them can also be obtaned in automatic lubricant ofepensers for clean. reliable and oconom»cal lubncatkxr the is particulanV bcroficial with regard to stringont hygionc roqLtrcmcnts. Most of thcso lubncants areregistered as NSf \ t1 and certified under ISO 21469. and as halal and kosher....

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 6

A systematic approach to optimised lubrication Lower service U pper servie© tempera turV, tempera ture", npprox. «pprox. TNs table is to provide you with an overview oi lubricants from Kluber Lubrication that are available tor use in Kluberrnatic lubricant disponsors. Tho appJca tiens and product data shown provicte guidance for lubricant sͩlection. Further data can be obtained from the product information leaflets. Of course, our lubricant experts wi be pteased to consuft you personaiy to make your choice. fcven if one of your app&cahons is not in the list, please do not hositato to...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 7

NLGIclass Application toJling be» rings ■ la* -, beringd/ :)pen geara/ ioothcd rocks neMed sptoole cherra # 2 뢕 Օ 2/3 Օ Օ 1 1/2 Օ VitcoftHy at Application 40 x/104 *F rojkng bcarirtos Open gcora/ tocrthcd rocks 68 ■ Օ * * I05 ՗ 160 Օ 2)Thi» ttrbrctnt a r*oc* ^hii HUH^tdfcf incck Ter* for ^h^c^tiyo n (te ptwmKAfcaJ nSuMry. are net «witocrc tor fht» product. Thcrrjfcre. befcre u»rq kjncant «jequaie rufc «vtaryau vhx*3 te pryformori anoH / nccc*»rj wlWtt TCiisjcs tetafcen Dy tte manufacturer anJ uer cr ratai at^ra «Mer to&chic the faK of hirtn harardiarxJ poacroJ rtJTei. 7

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 8

Klubermatic NOVA Temperature-independent electrochemical lubrication System For applications subject to strong tempͩrature fluctuations Klubermatic NOVA can be used foc al applications between -20 °C and +60 X. On the KJbermatic NOVA contre! unit, a discharge ponod from 1 to 12 months can be sot by push buttoa The control unit will then caiculate the amounl ot gas required for constant and reliable lubricanl release over thaٯ time taking into account the ambrent temprature. Klubermatic NOVA cons*sl$ ot a rousabto control unit an LC unit (LC = lubricant canister) with integrated oil rtention...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 9

Di&penaercharacteriatlca Your benef It Bectronlc control ur»t with mtegrated temprature compensation Simple handllng Settlng of operaling penod matchlng varyng temp鮩ratures automaticaty, hence temprature nde pendent dbctvjrgc Ihroughout opration penod Much tester start-up (within one day only) than wrth other dctfrc^hemical lubricant dispensera. The lubrication point Is therefore suppbed continuousiy from the start : ::r:r..-i.-,1 ICO and push-butlon control Variable dischorge period Irom 1 1o 1? months Dtschargc penod can bc adjusted to changing requirernents any time Constant condition...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 10

KlbermatJc STAR VARID Temperature-independent prcision lubrication HigNy accurate discharge and individual-ised lubricant metering Kl驻bermat>c VARIO STAR is lulty aulomatic and works nde-pendent of the ambient temprature. It dispenses lubricant with utmost acajracy ovcr 1 3,6 or 12 months. rO鉻bcrmatic VARIO STAR consiste of an electro mechanjcal cfcrve unit, an LC unit cotntaining 1P0 cm' of Kjfcf icant and a battery set. The functkxial condition can be monrtored via an LED so that an empty LC unit or mattunction can bo dotcctod and rcmodiod wrthout dciay. Applications Klberrnatic STAR...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 11

Dispenser charactehatics Your beneit Bec1romechir»cal drive unit - F=unction xlependenl of temprature, pressure and vibration - M»gh pJont avalability - Reusable LED flashing sigr tats on drive unit - Simple vtsual monftoring enabllng more rapkj Inspectons - Lower rtak of accidents 3aUcfy oprrotcd FWt scnplc asscmbry Mo wlrlng requlred. hence hlgh ftaxbtlrty and low cost mountjng on nconvenlentty located tubrica* [ton points Con be switched off when rcquircd (e.g. during machine downtime) lo avoid u mec essor y lubcicont Constant pressure ould up of bar rnax. - Fiexibte tube connection up...

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Klübermatic lubricant dispenders - We have a system for effective lubrication - 12

Klbermafc SWM SfflMMIMJTimC Individuel auttmrarifo Accurate IwfaTiG^^ and temperature-independent Kl뻻bormatic STAR CONTROLTIME supplWs tho lubrication point with oil or grease imrnedialely on starling - ensuring constant, accurate and temperature-independent lubrication. Klbermotic STAR CONTROL TIMt is power-suppkeddrectty from tho machin© it is connoctod to and can bo linkod up to Ihe machme's PLC unit for control and monikxmg. Klbormatic STAR CONTROL TIME automabcalty discharges a set amount of lubricant as long as it remains connected to power. 1 he LC unit contains 120 cm3 of lubricant...

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