K3066i protection relay test


Catalog excerpts

K3066i protection relay test - 1

K 3 0 s e r i e s P r o t e c t i o n R e l ay Te s t S e t Specialize in Electric Power Testing Model: K3066i 13 Channels (7V + 6I) output. Each output channels are independent control of magnitude, phase angle & frequency values, can generate a variety of output waveforms such as: DC; sinewave; sinewave with percent harmonics at various phase angles etc. Independent variable battery simulator (DC 15~350V, 140watts) Anti-clipping detect; cabinet grounding, wrong wiring connect alarm and selfprotect, overload and over heat protection. Test high burden electromechanical relays, 6x10A continuously outputs. Provide convenient and prompt precision calibration for amplitude and phase by software without open the cabinet. Small, lightweight(19.5kg) all in one box solution, with optional energy meter modules, fully functions KRT software allow advance state sequence, ramping, overcurrent, distance, differential, power swing, synchronizer modules, etc. Graphical test modules and templates for testing of various relays Quick relay testing facility in Manual mode Point & Click testing RIO/XRIO import and export facility Switch on to fault (SOTF) Power system model for dynamic testing GPS sync end-to-end testing Online vector display Automatic compare actual characteristic with expected characteristic Comtrade file generate and playback Automatic test report creation

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K3066i protection relay test - 2

7 voltage outputs: 7 x 310V / each 90VA Independent Battery Simulator: 4 binary inputs (dry/wet) Models reference for selection Models 4 binary outputs (relay type) 4 binary inputs (dry/wet) No's: 5~8 4 fast binary outputs and energy pulse I/O Capable of what K30 series can test Items

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K3066i protection relay test - 3

K3066i Protection Relay Test System Specifications Kingsine Electric Automation Co.,Ltd. Add: 6C/F4.8 TianAn Cyber Park, Futian, Shenzhen 518040,China PH: +86 - 755 - 83418941 FAX: +86 - 755 - 88352611 Email: international@kingsine.com.cn Website: www.kingsine.com.cn Kingsine Electric Automation Co.,Ltd

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