Catalog excerpts
Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {}
Open the catalog to page 1Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } o-c O-Contacto a-o-c Accesorios-O-Contacto / Accesories-O-Ignition o- -m? Interruptor 2 velocidades / 2 Speed Switch o-c-a O-Contacto-Arranque / O-Ignition-Start o-c-p-a O-Contacto-Precalentamiento-Arranque / O-Ignition-Pre-Heat-Start p-o-c-p-a Parking-O-Contacto-Precalentamiento-Arranque / Parking-O-Ignition-Pre-Heat-Start s-o-c-p-a Stop-O-Contacto-Precalentamiento-Arranque...
Open the catalog to page 2Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:8.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:13.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:15.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:39.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } I 3 Contact Indice Index Interruptores de contacto Ignition switches Uso genrico General use 05 O-C A-O-C O-C-A O-C-P-A 06 09 10 11 18 Ambientes Severos Severe Environments | IP65 23 P-O-C-P-A O-C...
Open the catalog to page 3Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {}
Open the catalog to page 4Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {}
Open the catalog to page 5Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:6.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:10.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:22.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } 6 I O-C 470013.I_ Igual combinacin Identical key code 470013.V_ 500 combinaciones variadas 500 different key codes Interruptores de contacto Start Switches 03 0,6 27,7 ,13,2 . . 35,5 A . 3,8 m 4 12V 24V 1 17.5A 10A 2 17.5A 10A A SECCIᴔN A-A BAT....
Open the catalog to page 6Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:6.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:7.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:10.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:22.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } I 7 Interruptores de contacte) Start Switches O-C 470017.R.C 030.6 25 .114 35.3 4ii.r 12V 24V 1 17.5A 10A 2 17.5A 10A BAT. Accesorios Accessories 70013 Conector Connector
Open the catalog to page 7Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:13.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:44.00pt "Courier New", monospace; } .font2 { font:4.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:6.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:10.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:22.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:31.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } 8 | O-C 470013.I.C_ Igual combinacin Identical key code 470013.V.C_ 500 combinaciones variadas 500...
Open the catalog to page 8Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:11.00pt "Microsoft Sans Serif", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Tahoma", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:4.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:6.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:10.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:22.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } | 9 Interruptores de contacte) Start Switches A-O-C 470213.I.C_ Igual combinacion Identical key code 470213.V.C_ 500 combinaciones variadas 500 different key codes 03 0,6 < 27,7 > 13,2 < 35,5 . 5 o...
Open the catalog to page 9Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:14.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } 10 | Interruptores de contacte) y arranque Ignition and Start Switches 471515.I Igual combinacion Identical key code 471515.V 500 combinaciones variadas 500 different key codes 27,7 ,13,2 i . 35,5 5> 2> A . 3,8 4 12V 24V 1 17.5A 10A 2 17.5A 10A 22,5 SECCIN A-A BAT. A Accesorios...
Open the catalog to page 10Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:16.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:32.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:27.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } | 11 Interruptores de contacto y arranque ^%^» Ignition and Start Switches 470014.I Igual combinacion Identical key code 470014.V 500 combinaciones...
Open the catalog to page 11Catlogo Contacto KEYA table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:16.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:32.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } 12 I O-C-A Interruptores de contacte) y arranque Ignition and Start Switches 470004.I Igual combinacion Identical key code 470004.V 50 combinaciones variadas 50 different key codes 73.3 ...^q , 47.3 i "1 12V 24V 83 IDA 5A 75 20A 10A 15 25A 13A...
Open the catalog to page 12All KEYA catalogs and technical brochures
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