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KM_Master12_R000_R001_MINCH_EN.qxp:Layout 1 3/23/12 1:39 PM Page Q3 Copy Mills KenFeed 2X • Double-Sided High-Feed Milling Cutters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R2–R7 KenFeed Mini • Single-Sided Insert, Small High-Feed Milling Cutters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R8–R11 Rodeka • Double-Sided Round Insert, IC12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R12–R19 Rodeka IC12, 12 Cutting Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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Ken Feed 2X • The Ultimate and Innovative Concept for Applying the Latest High-Feed Milling Strategies Primary Application KenFeed 2X is a double-sided trigon insert with six cutting edges engineered to provide you a superior MRR and productivity through high-feed rates for roughing operations. Strong design with a thick insert provides outstanding reliability. Screw-On, end mill, and shell mill cutters with internal coolant. Platform designed for pocketing ramping, and helical interpolations No need for additional clamping device Screw provides easy handling Just two topographies to cover...

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Screw-On End Mills • End Mills • WOEJ09... using the latest milling strategies. Ideal for pocketing, ramping, and helical interpolations. Z-plunge capabilities. First choice for deep cavities or from 3 x D. Screw-On End Mills • Inch

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using the latest milling strategies. Ideal for pocketing, ramping, and helical interpolations. Z-plunge capabilities. First choice for deep cavities or from 3 x D. Face Mills • Inch Spare Parts insert Torx Plus socket-head D1 max screw in. lbs. driver cap screw

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Insert Selection Guide • Double-sided insert with six cutting edges. • Unique and strong insert design that enables high-feed conditions, up to 0,1 IPT. • HD geometry is the first choice for steels, high-strength steels, and cast iron. • GD provides lower cutting forces, first choice for soft materials. WOEJ-GD WOEJ-HD

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Recommended Starting Speeds and Feeds Recommended Starting Speeds [SFM] NOTE: FIRST choice starting speeds are in bold type. As the average chip thickness increases, the speed should be decreased. Recommended Starting Feeds [IPTJ NOTE: Use "Light Machining" values as starting feed rate. General Programming Information for Applying KenFeed 2X • IC09 Small Ap1 values and higher feed rates generate lower cutting forces versus traditional milling strategies. programmed as a toroidal tool type by using the Rt value as the insert radius. Recommended when long overhang is necessary due to lower...

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Application Data Maximum Linear Ramping and Helical Interpolation from Solid DH min = Minimum blind hole diameter with helical interpolation DH1 max = Maximum flat-bottom hole diameter

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KenFeecl Mini • Small High-Feed Milling Cutters for Machining Small and Medium Components Primary Application Roughing operations through the latest milling strategies up to 55 HRC. Specially suited for small parts or machines with lower power capacity. The KenFeed Mini delivers higher productivity with reduced tooling costs. Platform designed for pocketing, ramping, and helical interpolations. Excellent runout accuracy increases general performance and higher tool life. Strong design capacity to support higher cutting forces Screw-On and shell mill cutters with internal coolant. Coolant...

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KenFeed Mini Screw-On End Mills • Cylindrical End Mills 1 Engineered to use with small machines and/or components using high-feed milling strategies. 1 Fine-pitch cutters boost productivity; 1 Pocketing, ramping, and helical interpolations. 1 First choice above 3 x D applications. i Screw-On End Mills • Inch Spare Parts insert Torx

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KenFeed Mini Insert Selection Guide • Positive single-sided insert for lower cutting forces for high-feed milling process. • Engineered to run up to 0,05 IPT. Boost productivity in small machines and/or components. • LD first choice for majority of materials, providing lower cutting forces. • LN geometry is the first choice for high-strength steel and hard machining up to 55 HRC.

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KenFeed™ Mini Recommended Starting Speeds and Feeds Recommended Starting Speeds [SFM] NOTE: FIRST choice starting speeds are in bold type. As the average chip thickness increases, the speed should be decreased. Recommended Starting Feeds [IPT] NOTE: Use "Light Machining" values as starting feed rate. General Programming Information for Applying KenFeed Mini be programmed as a toroidal tool type by using the Rt value as the insert radius. Small Ap1 values and higher feed rates generate lower cutting forces versus traditional milling strategies.

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Rodeka • The New Round Insert Generation Primary Application Kennametal introduces a new and revolutionary double-sided round milling insert capable to run in multiple types of milling operations and workpiece materials, providing the latest double-sided insert technology to boost your productivity with the most efficient cost per edge. Double-sided insert with up to 12 cutting edges for a more productive cutting process. Higher clearance in bodies to permit pocketing, profiling, Screw-On, end mill, and shell mill cutters with internal coolant. ue anti-rotation feature for excellent...

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Screw-On End Mills • Weldon® End Mills • Inch • Double-sided round insert with 12 indexable positions. • Anti-rotation features enable higher cutting data and extra stability. • Pocketing and profiling capabilities.

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Cylindrical End Mills • Inch • Double-sided round insert with 12 indexable positions. • Anti-rotation features enable higher cutting data and extra stability. • Pocketing and profiling capabilities. Spare Parts

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Shell Mills 1 Double-sided round insert with 12 indexable positions. 1 Anti-rotation features enable higher cutting data and extra stability. 1 Pocketing and profiling capabilities. Shell Mills Spare Parts with coolant groove

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All Kennametal catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Grinder Tips

    16 Pages

  2. Grader Blades

    40 Pages

  3. Twin-Screw

    2 Pages

  4. 7690VA09

    3 Pages

  5. Threading

    108 Pages

  6. Thread Mills

    20 Pages

  7. Shoulder Mills

    96 Pages

  8. Face Mills

    138 Pages

  9. Taps

    194 Pages

  10. Hole Finishing

    214 Pages

  11. Modular Drills

    62 Pages