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Catalog excerpts

Z-Series - 1

Simple*© friendly Kawasaki Robot

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Z-Series - 2

»Simple and friendly« INTO THE FUTURE Handling, Welding, Mounting, Tending are only four of the countless domains of the Z-Series allrounders. »40 years of experience and state-of-the-art robot technology« An extremely compact and light-weight design forms the basis for high speeds and rigidity as well as an enormous reach. The large variation is the biggest strength of this series. With payloads from 100 up to 300 kg as well as a reach starting from 1634 up to massive 3530 mm can be covered. There are compact robots, shelf mount robots and standard machines integrated in one series which...

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Z-Series - 3

»Standard specifications« MODEL Degrees of Freedom Maximum Reach* Maximum Payload Maximum Stroke Maximum Speed Repeatability (Measure Point: Middle of Flange Axis 6) Weight Max. linear Speed (Measure Point: Middle of Flange Axis 6) Ambient Conditions Installation Ambience must be free of: • Inflammable or corrosive Liquid or Gas • Electric Noise Interferences Installation Ambience must be free of: • Inflammable or corrosive Liquid or Gas • Electric Noise Interferences Applicaton Media Upper Arm Protection Class Wrist Unit: IP67 / Basic Axes: IP65 Wrist Unit: IP67 / Basic Axes: IP65 *1...

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Z-Series - 4

Motion Range & Dimensions Motion Range & Dimensions 1965 Working range based on point P Working range based on point P Working range based on point P Working range based on point P

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Z-Series - 5

Motion Range & Dimensions 228 Motion Range & Dimensions Working range based on point P Working range based on point P Working range based on point P

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Z-Series - 6

Number of Controlled Axes Servo Motors The E-Controller as consistent further development of the existing control concept has been developed in close cooperation with Kawasaki‘s customers. In this way, a state-of-the-art high-end product has been created - offering the familiar ease of operation and exceptionally high power. Integrated software functions support the most various applications. Through individual combination and programming, highly complex systems may be designed and realized. (e.g. Soft Absorber, Collision Detection, Conveyor Tracking and many more). A maximum of 10 external...

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Z-Series - 7

Simple^ friendly Kawasaki Robot Cautions to be taken to ensure safety For those persons involved with the operation / service of your system, including Kawasaki Robot, they must strictly observe all safety regulations at all times. They should carefully read the Manuals and other related safety documents. Products described in this catalogue are general industrial robots. Therefore, if a customer wishes to use the robot for special purposes, which might endanger operators or if the robot has any problems please contact us. We will be pleased to help you. BE CAREFUL: All photos illustrated...

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All Kawasaki Robotics GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MS005N

    2 Pages

  2. MC series

    2 Pages

  3. Controllers

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Controller

    1 Pages

  2. MC004N

    5 Pages

  3. M-Series

    5 Pages

  4. CX series

    2 Pages

  5. R-Series

    7 Pages

  6. Lineup

    8 Pages

  7. MC/MS-Series

    5 Pages

  8. Overview

    2 Pages

  9. K-Roset

    4 Pages

  10. Cubic-S

    3 Pages

  11. Palletizer

    5 Pages

  12. Y-Series

    5 Pages

  13. RA-Series

    5 Pages

  14. RS80N

    2 Pages

  15. RS50N

    2 Pages

  16. RS30N

    2 Pages

  17. RS20N

    2 Pages

  18. RS10L

    2 Pages

  19. RS10N

    2 Pages

  20. RS06L

    2 Pages

  21. RS05L

    2 Pages

  22. RS05N

    2 Pages

  23. RS03N

    2 Pages

  24. RS15X

    2 Pages

  25. FSJ

    4 Pages

  26. PC Roset

    2 Pages

  27. Y Series

    6 Pages

  28. Z-Series

    8 Pages

  29. R series

    8 Pages

  30. E controller

    2 Pages

  31. D-Controller

    6 Pages

  32. EDU Pack

    2 Pages

  33. Line up

    8 Pages