Catalog excerpts

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Open the catalog to page 1
Suspension-Mount, Low-Profile, Sanitary Screener Achieves High Rates Kason's new Low-Profile, Sanitary Screener employs two unbalanced-weight gyratory motors mounted on opposing exterior sidewalls of the unit, instead of one motor positioned beneath the screening chamber, reducing minimum height requirements significantly. Mounted on suspension brackets, the design also allows vertical alignment of the top inlet and bottom outlet, allowing on-size material to descend through the screen in a straight-through path at high rates into mobile vessels on the plant floor. Oversize material is...
Open the catalog to page 2All Kason catalogs and technical brochures
Portable Batch Sifter
2 Pages
Ultra-Sanitary Batch Sifter
2 Pages
Gap-Free Classifier
2 Pages
High Capacity Classifier
2 Pages
Low-Profile Screeners
2 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages